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ID3v2.3 tagging alters some pop-up info

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  • Yuki

    • Jun 2004
    • 9

    ID3v2.3 tagging alters some pop-up info

    Using 10.1 on XP Pro fully updated, LAME 3.96.

    When I convert a wav to MP3, pop-up information displays correct song length and bit rate of course. However, when I use Advanced MP3 Converter to edit the ID3 tag (v2.3), two pop-up fields are altered and show incorrect values.

    Specifically, the song length changes from the true value to something ~8-10 times longer. Also, the bit rate value no longer makes sense. For example, 220 becomes 32.

    The file itself is not being changed of course, only the tag. And *every* other field is correct in the pop-up, it is only song length and bit rate that are altered. All the ID3 info inserted by Advanced MP3 Converter is correctly displayed in the pop-up. Also, the correct bit rate and song length are still displayed in Advanced, even after a subsequent access of the file.

    So there is some incompatibility problem here I guess. Anyone know?

  • Yuki

    • Jun 2004
    • 9

    Re: ID3v2.3 tagging alters some pop-up info

    Lamely replying to her own post :D Yuki says:

    I find the tagging/pop-up problem apparently peculiar only to Advanced MP3 Converter. Using a freeware program called ID3-TagIt, I am able to create and edit without having any fields involuntarily altered. This little proggie (ID3-TagIt) also has the nice ability to create a genre that is not available (why Bossa Nova is a missing genre on almost every tagger I've seen is a great mystery to me) :smile2: and this new genre can be *saved* in the genre list. Very nice.



    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44840

      Re: ID3v2.3 tagging alters some pop-up info

      Try the new dMC R11 beta - that part has been updated.

