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Static on ripped CD's

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    Static on ripped CD's

    Hi - I recently ripped a couple CD's using the music converter. I would right-click on the .cda tracks and select convert to MP3 LAME at 192k CBR. All went fine, but listening back to the mp3's I hear constant static throughout the entire album. It's subtle but always there. I used a Sony DVD-ROM drive which is the only device on my Primary IDE controller (HDD are on a PCI ATA/133 card). I also have a Sony DVD burner on my Secondary IDE controller with a Zip drive. I re-ripped the same CD using the same method but this time using the DVD burner as the source. Well, now everything is nice and quiet. Both drives are set to digital out only and there are no physical connections to the sound card from either. Obviously, this would point to the DVD-ROM drive as the culprit, not the software, but it is a fairly new drive, so I don't understand where the noise could be coming from. All cables/connections are fine. Has anyone else experienced this or have any ideas??? Something to do with the IDE controller on my motherboard or could it be all due to the drive itself? Firmware upgrade for the drive maybe? Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Static on ripped CD's

    It will be all down to the drive, you are best using the other drive.

