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Very slow ripping to Wav

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  • collectionRipr

    • Apr 2004
    • 4

    Very slow ripping to Wav


    I've installed dbpowerAMP yesterday and played around with it for a day or so, but I have very slow ripping speed (max 4x, what I'm reading in the forums it should be at the very least >5, but realistically much higher) :( . I'm ripping to Wav (which is now still taking around 15 minutes for a single CD) so I can later batch convert my files to mp4 overnight. I've scoured the forum for a bit and did the following:
    1. Installed PowerPack with options Rip to Ram and Rip & encode at the same time (no result, still 4x)
    2. Try ripping to 'Test Conversion' (stays at 4x)
    3. Tried using an external USB drive (1.1, but should still operate at 24x), it's even slower
    4. Tried ripping to both my external USB2.0 harddrive and the internal harddrive (stays 4x)
    5. Tried hardcoding the drivespeed using Nero's DriveSpeed (no result stays at 4x)
    6. Set the priority for the ripping process to 'High' (still 4x)

    It's clear it has something to do with the ripping per se, not the encoding process. I'm thinking it could be my CD drive, but it's strange that both drives are so slow (they should be able to operate at 18x and 24x speed respectively according to Nero's DriveSpeed). Before I go run out and buy myself a USB2.0 CD drive I'd like to know if there could be something I've missed. I'm using an IBM iSeries laptop, Win2k, 192MB ram, external USB2.0 harddrive (120GB), internal HD (10GB), both NTFS, Intel Celeron running at 996 Mhz. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks...
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Very slow ripping to Wav

    Check that Audio CD Input >> Options - the ripping speed is not set to 4x


    • collectionRipr

      • Apr 2004
      • 4

      Re: Very slow ripping to Wav

      Nope, that ain't it. It was set to maximum. I changed it to the highest setting (instead of maximum), which is 40x, but this didn't change anything. Btw, I also cleaned my drive (to no avail). Any other ideas?
      Last edited by collectionRipr; April 14, 2004, 11:11 AM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44824

        Re: Very slow ripping to Wav

        Is it spot on x4 or slightly higher (ie x4.1) if it is x4 then something is setting the drive to that speed, perhaps reboot and make sure nothing is running on restart.


        • collectionRipr

          • Apr 2004
          • 4

          Re: Very slow ripping to Wav

          Actually it's slightly higher (i.e. 4.1 or 4.2), so that means it's not something else setting the drive speed. I did a test running Nero CD speed, and more and more I'm beginning to suspect that it's simply my drive that is a little screwed. Still open for other suggestions though...

