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From AAC to anything else?

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  • Xereck

    From AAC to anything else?

    Every time I right click on a AAC-file, and press "convert to" a window pops up saying that I need a codec to convert this file. I press "yes" in this window and automatically I'm sent to that specific codec I need to download, but after I've installed this codec it suggests, it still comes up with the message, that I need to install a codec, so I'm going around in circles at the moment!

    Does anyone know what's wrong or what there could be done to solve this problem of mine?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: From AAC to anything else?

    Make sure you install the Codec to the same location as the music Converter, also after installing run 'dMC Configuration' it will say which audio formats it can read.

