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mpg mp2 to either wav or mp3

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    mpg mp2 to either wav or mp3

    i searched the board and found only one thread with the sam question i have and it did not have a response. i downloaded music live in video form. it is in mpg format mp2. when i convert the video to music it sounds like it is skipping a little bit and is going slightly in fast forward... what do i do to get it to convert and the converted file sound the same as the mpg?

    here is what he said... maybe it explaines the problem better.

    I am having difficulties in converting the audio in my mpeg-2 video to a .wav file. The original video is 40 min long and the ripped .wav file is only 24 min long and consequently it plays at fast speed. On a smaller video I was able to convert to a .wav file and that played fine at normal speed. How do I preserve the speed of the original audio in the ripped .wav file...

    anyone have an answer... thanks
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: mpg mp2 to either wav or mp3

    Hopefully the dMC Release 11 next beta should fix it (about 3 weeks away).

