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  • MODatic
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2002
    • 230

    or CD-ROM components to deter people from buying (supposedly) cheaper imports from mainland Europe.
    Don't you mean copy protection :D
    (Something I'm proud Australia is behind in :rolleyes: )

    I haven't experienced any problems with FreeDB through DMC at all, most of my albums are very popular ones and are originals and they always appear. Since FreeDB runs on track lengths to determine which CD it is, do you think it could be possible that your CD drive may not be possibly registering the correct values or ones that are slightly off? Have you tried another drive?


    • BestRip
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Jun 2002
      • 182

      I have checked and cross referenced a particular album: CĂ©line Dion / S'il suffisait D'aimer.

      I checked the time for each track from my PC, my CD player, the freedb and the album cover. The least difference is between my PC and my CD player where tracks 4, 6, 7 and10 differ 1 second each in the time displayed. The album cover has a difference of 1 - 2 seconds relative to the PC figures, and the freedb up to 3 seconds.

      All I'm getting at is that the 1/75 of a second seems a bit narrow when looking at it in this perspective.

      I started re-ripping my CD's because I wanted them in a non-destructive format (I had just completed them in .wma format)
      I now have completed about 40 of them into Monkeys Audio format but almost 20 of these has not been recognized by the freedb and still the same albums were there to be found easily,
      :vmad: , manually!!!

      Thank you all for your assistance.


      • Razgo
        • Apr 2002
        • 2532

        have you checked out the freedb forums as well?

        here is a quote
        A lot of programs calculate an incorrect discid for CD Extra CDs. What program have you been trying to use?
        Additionally it is possible, that you have a different pressing of the CD with track offsets, which are different to the ones of the version, which is already in the freedb. If the differences are too big, it is possible, that the fuzzy search cannot catch the correct entry.
        the forum is here:


        • Razgo
          • Apr 2002
          • 2532

          Originally posted by BestRip

          Just now I was ripping Phil Collins/No Jacket Required and the standard response dialogue Razgo showed erlier in this thread came up (as usual). :headbang:
          the reason for any standard response is due to typical standard questions that don't come with a check list of what you have tried/tested to narrow the problem down.

          so if we say try this or that, it's because we don't know if you have tried these things first to help narrow things down.

          anyhow it appears there is no fault or bad coding in the DMC component that retrieves the info from freedb data base.

          the only other thing might be to put a suggestion in the "wish list" forum for DMC cd audio input.

          although it does appear that the differences in the pressed cd that was submitted is the cause in this case. in which case DMC can't do much about that.


          • BestRip
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Jun 2002
            • 182

            It couldn't be that I'm running the Release 9 Beta 4 version? (Otherwise running well I think). Needed badly:smile: the sorting function in it.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44824

              No, the betas are fine so far - full release T-6 days!


              • BestRip
                dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                • Jun 2002
                • 182

                "Fine"? you are far too modest...

                I just started to have a look through the player or rather "My Music Collection" and found the preferences and the facilities there.
                WOW,:supersmil WOW,:supersmil WOW:supersmil!!!

                All I've ever wanted and more and that only after a few minutes of glansing through it and trying out some sorting and stuff. I don't have words for it, you've really made my day, THANK YOU FOR THIS PROGRAM!


                • BestRip
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Jun 2002
                  • 182

                  Taking a chance none of you will ever talk to me again...
                  I found this code in the developers documentation:

                  Quoting a small part:

                  " code:
                  200 Found exact match
                  211 Found inexact matches, list follows (until terminating marker)
                  202 No match found
                  403 Database entry is corrupt
                  409 No handshake

                  Also when trying to get the freedb feedback on the album Madonna / Music I had no luck and searched the database manually and found some 50+ entries. Out of those none is so close to my album that no exact match is found??? What's going on?
                  So, I looked up another rip that also uses the freedb to see if it could identify my album or not. Well, it could not and I just don't understand it, but here was a cute thing I had been looking for, and now I'm just thinking how fantastic that would be to have implemented into the dMC program.


                  • Razgo
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 2532

                    well you have been unlucky. I don't have a Madonna album to test out. but yes that is surprising that only a few cd's in your collection will work with freedb.


                    • BestRip
                      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                      • Jun 2002
                      • 182

                      Originally posted by BestRip
                      but here was a cute thing I had been looking for
                      :happy: [/B]
                      Ooops the fileformat was wrong on the image. Hope it comes up now.


                      • BestRip
                        dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                        • Jun 2002
                        • 182

                        I was trying to post an image but no luck. Is there a specific procedure? :yawn:
                        Anyway I can decribe it instead:
                        A dialouge asking to choose between (in this case 3) close matches to the album.

                        It would for me be very useful, and I guess from the number of entries on this album a lot of others to, since there are over 50 different entries of it.
                        But seriously, I can't possibly be the only one with this problem, am I? :headbang:

                        I'm gonna have to check this out with my record dealer, there's somethi'n fishy here...
                        :confused: :happy: :blush:


                        • BestRip
                          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                          • Jun 2002
                          • 182

                          Originally posted by BestRip

                          So, I looked up another rip that also uses the freedb to see if it could identify my album or not. Well, it could not ...
                          Oops again, I was a bit hasty there and didn't read the text, it said "Multiple matches".
                          So it actually could identify the album and with more than one match. So I've tested some more of the albums I didn't have any luck with before, and they all seem to give the "Multiple matches" response. I'm so relieved, now it makes sense.


                          • Razgo
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 2532

                            to display an image you just need to upload the image to your home page space(if you have one) and then click on the IMG tag when replying to a post and type the URL to where the image is.


                            • Spoon
                              • Apr 2002
                              • 44824

                              It is just a limitation of freedb (was CDDB) - it has only 9 categories, and quite a few people on badly written software were allowed to submit the same ablum to all different categories.


                              • Spoon
                                • Apr 2002
                                • 44824

                                Thanks to BestRip he got me to look into it and it was a bug, introduced either in Release 8 or the Release 9 beta.

