When using DSP with PowerPack (dmcPowerAmp 10.1 + PowerPack 3)
When selects Volume Normalize with Adaptive Normalization.
If at end of the sound track (Wav) you have blank (zero) > Windows Size enter in an infinite bucle at 48% of process.
My example. Let standard values with Desired Volume 100%, Max Multiply x 28, Adaptive Normalization -> Window Size 6000 mSec.
The input .wav is 48000 16 bits stereo and the destination is wave As source in the three columns.
The Final Zero is 23568 mSec.
If i put the Window Size to 25000 work fine, don't enter infinite loop
Good Luck
When selects Volume Normalize with Adaptive Normalization.
If at end of the sound track (Wav) you have blank (zero) > Windows Size enter in an infinite bucle at 48% of process.
My example. Let standard values with Desired Volume 100%, Max Multiply x 28, Adaptive Normalization -> Window Size 6000 mSec.
The input .wav is 48000 16 bits stereo and the destination is wave As source in the three columns.
The Final Zero is 23568 mSec.
If i put the Window Size to 25000 work fine, don't enter infinite loop
Good Luck