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wmv or mp3: 64kbps abr/vbr or cbr?

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    wmv or mp3: 64kbps abr/vbr or cbr?

    For encoding to 64kbps, should I use wmv (7,8,or 9) or mp3? For the mp3, should I use cbr at 64kbps or the abr option? Also, should I normalize? thanks.
  • Bowling Ball

    Re: wmv or mp3: 64kbps abr/vbr or cbr?

    Wma is pretty crap at 64 k/bits - check out these test results for more.

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    • Unregistered

      Re: wmv or mp3: 64kbps abr/vbr or cbr?

      Originally posted by Bowling Ball
      Wma is pretty crap at 64 k/bits - check out these test results for more.
      cool link. however, it doesn't give any info about the performance of lame at 64kps. the closest one, FhG MP3, is essentially mp3. those results suggest that at 64kbps, lame would also stink.


      • Bowling Ball

        Re: wmv or mp3: 64kbps abr/vbr or cbr?

        Originally posted by Unregistered
        cool link. however, it doesn't give any info about the performance of lame at 64kps. the closest one, FhG MP3, is essentially mp3. those results suggest that at 64kbps, lame would also stink.
        Tis true! I think the point of the test was to prove that certain claims i.e. wma and mp3 pro equalled lame at 128 k/bits was false and it er, succeeded.

