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Edit Tag Window half width

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  • Unregistered

    Edit Tag Window half width

    I just downloaded dbPowerAmp and when in Music Collection I right click on a listing, then select 'Edit Tag'. The window that opens is only partial width, and it cannot be expanded in either direction. I can see three columns of Genre, above that one button for 'New Genre', then the button to the right of that one is cut-off right after the 'D'. I can't see anything to the right of that, and therefore have no button to save or close this window. What would cause this? I am running Windows XP with all the current updates. I have had no other problem with window sizes. Thank you.
  • xoas
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Apr 2002
    • 2662

    Re: Edit Tag Window half width

    The window you are talking about is the Tag Editing window. It is non-expandable unless you have more than three columns worth of Genres (in which case you can scroll to the right to access the other genres). This window is designed to be used to make designated tag changes to a file or group of files and is not meant to remain open.
    There should be two buttons on the bottom of this window. One says OK and the other says Cancel. You may not see these if the window is positioned too close to the bottom of the screen. Clicking on the top of the window and dragging it upward should resolve the issue if that is your problem. If that doesn't work, please let us know.
    Best wishes,
    Bill Mikkelsen


    • Unregistered

      Re: Edit Tag Window half width

      Thank you for your reply. The window is non-expandable, as you said, but only about the top left quarter or so of the window's contents is visible (I'm guessing portion, since I've never seen the entire contents). I can move the window around the screen (not cut off on bottom or right becuase the edge of screen). What runs into the right border is the third row of genre (Right after the letters 'Techo-'. And as I said, the button to the right of 'New Genre' is cut off and all I can see is the 'D' of that button, whatever it says. The two buttons on the bottom are outside your window also. I see the word 'Preference' at the very bottom of the window, but do not know what that is lableing. BTW, I am using 1600x1200 screen resolution with an NVIDIA GeForce4 MX440 vedeo card. And all my other windows have had no problems.


      • xoas
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Apr 2002
        • 2662

        Re: Edit Tag Window half width

        For some reason you are not getting the full screen. I don't recall reading about this problem before. My first guess is that it may be related to your screen resolution and, were I in your shoes, I might experiment with a smaller screen resolution to see if you still have the problem. I have had no problems with a 1024x768 screen.
        If your problem is related to display resolution, then it may suggest a software flaw.
        If the problem is not related to screen resolution then the only suggestion I would have might be to re-install the dB Audio Player and hope (if that does not resolve the problem) that another user has a better suggestion.
        Do let us know what you find out.
        Best wishes,
        Bill Mikkelsen


        • Unregistered

          Re: Edit Tag Window half width

          I did not have any problems with the download or install, but I still used add/remove programs to remove dBpowerAMP, deleted the install program from download directory and temporary directory, rebooted machine, re-downloaded (from the other mirror this time), and re-installed. Exactly the same results. I also tried changing my resolution to 1024 x 768 as a trouble shooting aid. This made no difference either, still the edit tag window contents were cut off on right and bottom. If only we were able to resize the window, this would not be a problem. Any ideas or work-arounds?


          • xoas
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Apr 2002
            • 2662

            Re: Edit Tag Window half width

            I am rather stuck for ideas. Let me suggest the following as one long-shot:
            Having recently installed an nVidia video card myself I noted that Windows Update had a special video driver patch (dated October 2003) for nVidia cards. If you do not have these drivers already you might try downloading them.

            As to work-arounds...
            Try going to the folders where your audio files are stored. Open one of these folders and right click on one of your audio files. Find the Edit Tag item on the menu and click on this. This will open up a slightly different Tag Edit screen which will be helpful in editing your tags but it won't (I think) work for more than one file at a time. This particular screen also won't allow you to set a preference setting or activate either a manual or auto volume boost (although you can do both of these through the main Music Collection scrreen). Anyway, you might see if you have any more luck with this other Tag Edit screen.
            Best wishes and good luck,
            Bill Mikkelsen
            Last edited by xoas; March 18, 2004, 05:25 PM.


            • xoas
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Apr 2002
              • 2662

              Re: Edit Tag Window half width

              Poking around, I found that there is another way to access the Tag Edit screen from within the My Music Collection screen. Open up the dB My Music Collection. Select one or more tracks. On the menu bar of this window is an entry entitled Selected Track(s).
              Click on it. From the menu that appears, click on Edit Tag. This will open up the MMC Tag Edit screen that you originally had trouble with only this time it will emerge from the top of the window rather than the bottom.
              Best wishes,
              Bill Mikkelsen


              • Unregistered

                Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                Bill M.
                I did already have that driver patch installed. For your work-around in that email, you mentioned opening one of the folders and right clicking on an audio file. Using what? If I open in from Windows Explorer, ‘Edit Tag’ is not a right click menu option. Should it be?

                The way I’ve been getting to ‘Edit Tag’ has been from ‘My Music Collection’ on the dbpowerAMP start menu. What other ways are there to do this? The method you described in your last post is the only one I’ve used and know. And, yes, the edit tag window does always open from the top. Still I’d like to know the other methods you thought I was using, and if it should be accessible from the Windows Explorer. That would be a nice feature.

                But, I did find the problem with dbpowerAMP software. When I went into my display properties for the NVIDIA GeForce4 MX440, I had DPI setting set to “Large size (120 dpi)”. When I changed it to “Normal size (96 dpi)" and rebooted, the edit tag window fit all the contents. With the “Large size” I have had no other problems with any other windows in other software. Those windows automatically grew larger to fit the larger text. Only dbpowerAMP had the same size window for the larger contents (and therefore cutting off right and bottom).

                Are you part of dbpowerAMP team or a user? How do I contact them to pass this problem onto their designers to be included in a later revision?

                BTW, I see you are from Durham. My brother lives in Apex, and I get down there quite a bit!

                Thanks again for your help.
                Bill B.


                • xoas
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Apr 2002
                  • 2662

                  Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                  I'm just a humble user.
                  I'm sure that Spoon (the fellow who is pretty much solely responsible for the programs) will pick up on this issue when he gets back from vacation. I believe that Large Font support was only a fairly recent addition to dBpowerAMP and it might not be properly configured for as great a resolution as yours.
                  Congradulations on tracking down your program.
                  What I had originally thought you were doing to access Tag Edit was to open up dAP My Music Collection, selecting a track and right clicking on it and then selecting Edit Tag from the menu. When accessed in this way the Tag Edit Screen tends to spring up at about the level of the track in the Window (for me this is usualy toward the bottom of the screen). In fact, I had not really been aware that you could access Tag Edit from the Selected Track(s) item on the top menu bar on the My Music Collection screen.
                  But if you have dAP correctly configured you can click on any audio file to select it, right-click and call up a menu which includes options to Play the track, en-queue it, add it to dAP, add it to a playlist, convert it to another file type and to Edit Tag. This will not be an option for a folder of files but only for selected single files. If you truly are unable to do this right now and you would like to be able to do so, check your Music Converter configuration.
                  Best wishes,
                  Bill Mikkelsen


                  • Unregistered

                    Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                    Hi Bill M.
                    Thanks for the info on enabling the right click options in Explorer. Nice feature. I guess I need to buy the power pack to actually edit them there, but at least I can see them now.

                    Should I try to send an email to 'Spoon' about the issue I found or will he find it here?

                    Thanks again for all your help!
                    Bill Bethke


                    • Wayne
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Aug 2002
                      • 1254

                      Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                      Spoon should pick up on your posting when he gets back.



                      • xoas
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Apr 2002
                        • 2662

                        Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                        You might want to try the current beta version of dBpowerAMP Audio Player 3 which features, so it appears, improved large font compatibility. Spoon's betas have, in my experience, proven to be reliable.
                        To access this go to the Beta section on the forum page, find the sticky note for the current dAP beta 3 and you will find the download link there.
                        Best wishes,
                        Bill Mikkelsen


                        • bbethke

                          • Mar 2004
                          • 4

                          Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                          I'm the same guy that was 'unregistered' that started this thread. I just signed up and am now registered. I did remove the released version of dbpowerAMP and downloaded and installed the rev. 3, beta 4 version. This FIXED the problem. The edit tag window now shows all its contents, even when I change the video settings to 120 dpi, instead of the default 96 dpi. THANKS!!!

                          I did notice one other peculiarity with this version. When I right click on an entry in My Music Collection to edit tag, the tag is changed in the file (as seen by windows explorere), as well as the music collection. This makes the 'Advanced - Rewrite ID tag' and 'Advanced - Refresh from ID tag' not do anything. Am I missing something here?

                          Lastly, I thought I saw a feature to rewrite the file names from the ID tags, but I can't find this now. Any pointers where to look? I was unable to find a 'search' feature in the forums or elsewhere on spoons website to find this.
                          Thanks again.
                          Bill Bethke


                          • Wayne
                            dBpoweramp Guru

                            • Aug 2002
                            • 1254

                            Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                            I think you must be refering to the Arrange Music codec which is available from codec central here.

                            It is one of the utility codecs. Alternatively you could use the arrange music option within the MMC program.



                            • bbethke

                              • Mar 2004
                              • 4

                              Re: Edit Tag Window half width

                              The arrange music option in MMC moves files to particular directories, as I understand it. What I was asking about was an option that automatically renames the files according to tag criteria (such as artist/title).

                              Per my prior note, does anyone know the purpose of 'Advanced - Rewrite ID tag' and 'Advanced - Refresh from ID tag' in MMC’s edit tag, since changing the tag also seems to change the contents in the file at the same time?

                              Also, is there some sort of search function in the forum? Or a help function with MMC? Thanks.
                              Bill Bethke

