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No album art is being added to FLAC file from CD

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  • Jackie Treehorn

    • Jun 2018
    • 8

    No album art is being added to FLAC file from CD

    I've converted over a thousand CDs to FLAC in the past without any issue but recently I did about 20 albums and none of the FLAC files has album art in it although the CDs contained the image. I bought my copy of dbpoweramp maybe 5 years ago- is it possible the use has expired or some other reason for not allowing album art?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44847

    Re: No album art is being added to FLAC file from CD

    Did you see album art in CD Ripper before ripping?


    • Jackie Treehorn

      • Jun 2018
      • 8

      Re: No album art is being added to FLAC file from CD

      I just looked at that- the CD Ripper says there is no album art and I searched myself and didn't find it. Obviously not all CDs have the art! Odd that I did almost 2,000 cds before this batch and every other cd had art!


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5940

        Re: No album art is being added to FLAC file from CD

        Originally posted by Jackie Treehorn
        I just looked at that- the CD Ripper says there is no album art and I searched myself and didn't find it. Obviously not all CDs have the art! Odd that I did almost 2,000 cds before this batch and every other cd had art!
        Album art is not part of the CD. The album art is retrieved from online databases. When ripping, and the album art is blank, click on the art options and select search the internet and see what it finds. If that doesn't work for any CD, including trying some CDs you've ripped in the past, then maybe your computer is blocking access to the databases containing the artwork.


        • schmidj
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Nov 2013
          • 526

          Re: No album art is being added to FLAC file from CD

          Assuming you have the jewel box and tray card that came with the CD, and you have a scanner, it is often easier to just scan the tray card art than to search the Internet. One (actually two) of the art options are to scan the art.

