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Is there a way to convert a M4p 2 *

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  • Studebaker

    • Feb 2004
    • 2

    Is there a way to convert a M4p 2 *

    This is the problem that I have ran into, I'm not trying to convert a mp4 thats not even itunes formant.
    It is a M4p(Protected) then under discription is said it is a ACC file. Which it is not! and thats why so many are having a hard time converting it.
    I tryed m4p2mp3 and it asks about a key. What is that mean. It plays just fine in itunes.
    I've download all the codec for my dbpowerAMP Music Converter but it still doesn't reconize this format because it is m4p(Protected). That is the problem.

    Is there any audio editors out there that is for PC and not Mac. Because I found a lot of excellent audio editors that would do the job but there for mac sence m4p is mac file.

    Anybody have any good advise.
  • Chemtekinc

    Re: Is there a way to convert a M4p 2 *

    Is the M4p 2 protected format the same as the AAC protected format?
    Because it is protected, i believe that is what is causing all the hassle.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Is there a way to convert a M4p 2 *

      See dMC FAQ on this forum for m4p2mp4


      • Studebaker

        • Feb 2004
        • 2

        Re: Is there a way to convert a M4p 2 *

        Originally posted by Spoon
        See dMC FAQ on this forum for m4p2mp4

        I can't find it please place a link 2 it Thanks


        • totalXSive
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Apr 2002
          • 222

          Re: Is there a way to convert a M4p 2 *

          Have a read of this topic.

