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Licensing security breach

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  • Clover

    • Sep 2022
    • 17

    Licensing security breach

    With the new version it is nice to see how many days left for updates. This however is a breach of personsal data and security. If you click this it will show the retrieval code, which is bad enough as no other security required to access the retrieval page. Worse still is if you click extend updates it autologs you into the main retrieval section where the e-mail can be changed, invoice data accessed and the ability to down load the registered programs.
    Say you have the family pack and you give this to say one of your children. Well they can they quite freely access this data and maybe even pass the programs on their friends.
    Did you consider these when you released the new method?
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44840

    Re: Licensing security breach

    There has to be a level of trust in who ever you give your software to, as you are giving your license to them. It is standard practice that from within a program a license number can be retrieved without an extra layer of security, as Windows its self provides the general security through log in.

    On the download page you can remove your personal information if required.


    • Clover

      • Sep 2022
      • 17

      Re: Licensing security breach

      My main concern is that kids being kids they will work out that they can actually download the program from withing the interface without your knowledge and then pass this to friends. Which results in piracy. That was my main concern here. Yes trust is a nice thing, but we do live in the real world and I was just trying to help protect your business.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Licensing security breach

        We have protections in place to stop rampant piracy with order numbers, however we put a certain level of trust in our users, as to not overly burden the install and licensing process, even if it leads more piracy.


        • Clover

          • Sep 2022
          • 17

          Re: Licensing security breach

          OK no problem. I was only trying to help protect your business.

