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Normalize Codec - Peak to Peak not matching output

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  • Treelady

    • Sep 2019
    • 19

    Normalize Codec - Peak to Peak not matching output

    Let me know if I'm doing something wrong. But I can't seem to get my Normalize function to do what I want it to do.

    Release 17.7 [64-bit]
    OS Windows 10 Pro 64

    Objective - after the conversion, (24-bit 96kHz WAV to 16-bit 44.1kHz WAV) I want the sample peak of a file to be a given value. For this example, I'll say -2.0 dBFS

    Settings used in Encoder
    DSP Effect
    Volume Normalize
    TYPE: Peak to Peak
    Desired Volume: -2
    Maximum Amplification x8
    Info: Non-Live DSP Effect

    However, after the encoding, the statistics do not reflect the intended result. I understand True Peak Levels will be higher than peak levels, but is a 0.6 db difference within reasonable variance? In general, I encounter less than .3 db difference between peak and true peak when using Weiss Saracon.

    Statistical testing with several applications reports the same result: Max TPL is around -1.4

    MAAT DR2 Offline
    Max. TP: -1.39

    True Peak Max: -1.4 db

    Acon Digital Acoustica

    Maximum True Peak Level: -1.3 db

    Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44575

    Re: Normalize Codec - Peak to Peak not matching output

    You have to use the DSP Effects:

    Bit depth
    Volume Normalize

    otherwise the reduction to 16 bit happens after the volume normalize (which would be done at 24 bit 96KHz)


    • Treelady

      • Sep 2019
      • 19

      Re: Normalize Codec - Peak to Peak not matching output

      Originally posted by Spoon
      You have to use the DSP Effects:

      Bit depth
      Volume Normalize

      otherwise the reduction to 16 bit happens after the volume normalize (which would be done at 24 bit 96KHz)
      I'm not getting any difference in doing it the way I originally set up the job vs what you're suggesting.

      I'll stick with my example of going 24/96 to 16/44. Sometimes examples help keep my questions clearer.

      So the order of operations is:

      Input File (24/96) > Any DSP effects (normalization)> Conversion (16/44)

      You are suggesting I manually force the conversion through DSP:

      Input File (24/96) > DSP chain: Resample (24/44) > Bit depth (16/44) > Volume Normalize (16/44) >

      At this point what happens to the desired output parameters set in the dialogue box requested output =

      Does the application look at the state of the file (16/44) and determine that the bit depth and SR are already at the desired output (16/44)? Or does it convert it again to the same format it already is? (16/44 to 16/44)

      I'm sorry to ask these kinds of questions, but I made the assumption that the DSP effects happened AFTER the conversion.

      I did two tests after I completed the conversions:

      1. Basic Statistics by MAAT DR2

      File Name Max. TPL
      Convert specified then DSP -1.97
      Forcing with DSP -1.97

      2. Null Test

      these null to 0
      Last edited by Treelady; June 14, 2022, 05:36 PM.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44575

        Re: Normalize Codec - Peak to Peak not matching output

        If the bit depth/sample rate is already 16/44 then the wave encoder should not further process it, however you can set to 'as source' to be sure, in this instance source is how the data arrives so would be 16/44


        • Treelady

          • Sep 2019
          • 19

          Re: Normalize Codec - Peak to Peak not matching output

          Originally posted by Spoon
          If the bit depth/sample rate is already 16/44 then the wave encoder should not further process it, however you can set to 'as source' to be sure, in this instance source is how the data arrives so would be 16/44
          Thank you. This has been very helpful!


