FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem
Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem
We release R17.5 in the next 2 weeks, it could be a change in the background libraries has fixed this issue, but for now on that advanced configuration page, enable the debugging option and convert the file in your image to m4a, the log will show after conversion, paste the contents here please.
->-> [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
<-<- [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
Decodes [clDecoder::Get]
BatchID [clDecoder::Set]
->-> [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
Loading Encoder 'C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\encoder\Apple Lossless.DLL'
<-<- [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
BatchID [clEncoder_ALAC::Set]
->-> [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
<-<- [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
SendRawUnCompressed [clEncoder_ALAC::Get]
Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
Communicate [clEncoder_ALAC::Get]
NeedHQAudio [clEncoder_ALAC::Get]
->-> [clDecoder::Open]
Opening file 'F:\Flac\Racecorner - Radiostation [insectorama] 24bits-2021\01-Racecorner - Getwiedel.flac' for read access: Opened
Init FLAC:
Reading Meta Data:
Contains picture block, size (bytes): 115787 type: 3
contained 10 tags:
ALBUM: Radiostation
ARTIST: Racecorner
COMMENT: Visit https://insectorama.bandcamp.com
Year: 2021
ENCODED BY : grandsrt8
ENCODER SETTINGS: -compression-level-8
GENRE: Techno
TITLE: Getwiedel
Track: 1
Album Artist: Racecorner
->-> [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
<-<- [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
Encoder: FLAC reference libFLAC 1.3.2 20170101
Sample Count: 15,478.055
ID Tag: Vorbis Comments
Contains: Album Art, CRC, ID Tag [Vorbis Comments]
<-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
->-> [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 24 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 264600 Block Align: 6 CB Size: 0
Audio Length: 350976 mili-seconds 64126488 bytes 2116 kbps
<-<- [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
Creating Decode Buffers: Created
<-<- [clDecoder::Open]
SendOverReplayGainTags [clEncoder_ALAC::Get]
->-> [clEncoder_ALAC::BeginConversion]
Converting to 'F:\Flac\Racecorner - Radiostation [insectorama] 24bits-2021\01-Racecorner - Getwiedel.m4a' encoder settings ''
<-<- [clEncoder_ALAC::BeginConversion]
Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
Communicate [clEncoder_ALAC::Get]
Encoding To: Apple Lossless
Encoder Cmd Line:
============= CONVERSION BEGIN =============
============= CONVERSION END =============
Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
Communicate [clEncoder_ALAC::Get]
->-> [dBCoreConverter::CloseDecoder]
->-> [clDecoder::Close]
<-<- [clDecoder::Close]
->-> [clEncoder_ALAC::EndConversion]
<-<- [clEncoder_ALAC::EndConversion]
File Size Check : 64461711 bytes Filename: F:\Flac\Racecorner - Radiostation [insectorama] 24bits-2021\01-Racecorner - Getwiedel.m4a
File Size Check (before ID Tags Written): 64461711 bytes Filename: F:\Flac\Racecorner - Radiostation [insectorama] 24bits-2021\01-Racecorner - Getwiedel.m4a
->-> [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
Decodes [clDecoder_M4A::Get]
IDTags [clDecoder_M4A::Set]
Writing ID Tags to m4a: [clDecoder_M4A::WriteTheseTags]
ALBUM: Radiostation
ARTIST: Racecorner
COMMENT: Visit https://insectorama.bandcamp.com
Year: 2021
ENCODED BY : grandsrt8
ENCODER SETTINGS: -compression-level-8
GENRE: Techno
TITLE: Getwiedel
Track: 1
Album Artist: Racecorner
_albumart_1_Front Album Cover<subdesc>cover: [DATA] FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 00 01 01 01 00 48 00 48 00 00 FF DB 00 43 00 05 03 04 04 04 03 05 04 04 04 05 05 05 06 07 0C 08 07 07 07 07 0F 0B 0B 09 0C 11 0F 12 12 11 0F 11 11 13 16 1C 17 13 14 1A 15 11 11 18 21 18 1A 1D 1D 1F 1F 1F 13 17 22 24 22 1E 24 1C 1E 1F 1E FF DB 00 43 01 05 05 05 07 06 07 [clDecoder_M4A::WriteTheseTags]
<-<- [dBCoreConverter::IDTagWriter]
->-> [clDecoder_M4A::Close]
<-<- [clDecoder_M4A::Close]
->-> [aacstream::clDecoder_M4A::Close]
<-<- [aacstream::clDecoder_M4A::Close]
Communicate [clDecoder::Get]
Communicate [clEncoder_ALAC::Get]
Conversion completed in 2,3 seconds x152 realtime encoding
File Size Check (core converter exit): 64580101 bytes Filename: F:\Flac\Racecorner - Radiostation [insectorama] 24bits-2021\01-Racecorner - Getwiedel.m4a
->-> [clDecoder::Close]
<-<- [clDecoder::Close]Comment
Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem
can you upload that exact file to dropbox (the m4a file) and post a link please.Comment
Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem
Convert the flac file to apple lossless and send us the m4a file please.Comment
Re: FLAC to Apple lossless tag problem
We have found the issue, R17.5 will fix, we release in the next 2 weeks.Comment