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Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

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  • Unregistered

    Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

    Is this really an impossible thing to do?

    I stupidly converted all 750+ tracks off the cds I own onto my comp using the Open MG format.

    Now I can play these on my MD man,but I wanna be able to play them on my phone,which doesn't recognise the format. Anybody know of a converter?

    Also,is it usual to take around 25 mins-30 to fully encode an cd that's around 1 hour long to Ogg format?

    Just seems a bit long,but I amn't complaining honest! DBAmp is amazing
  • Unregistered

    Re: Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

    Sorry for double posting but I have registered,my account just hasn't been activated yet,I will be known as KoRnY if and when it does.



    • RossRoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • May 2003
      • 403

      Re: Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

      Originally posted by Unregistered
      Also,is it usual to take around 25 mins-30 to fully encode an cd that's around 1 hour long to Ogg format?
      Have you tried ripping to WAV just to see how long it takes? The encoding might not be the culprit here because 25-30 minutes really does seem like a long time. What kind of computer you got?

      OpenMG being a codec that integrates digital rights management, I'm guessing it might be hard to just transcode it to something else.


      • KoRnY

        • Feb 2004
        • 5

        Re: Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

        I'm running a 2.4 GHZ AMD here for crying out loud!!!

        It only seems to be when I'm ripping from cd though,and I've only had time to try out one cd so maybe it was just this once.


        • RossRoy
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • May 2003
          • 403

          Re: Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

          Maybe your CD reader can't rip an audio CD higher than say 4x or something. Is slow acurate rip on in the Audio CD Input options? That slows down the process too.


          • KoRnY

            • Feb 2004
            • 5

            Re: Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

            Nah not my D Drive either,16x to 40x.

            Although now that you mention that,it never seems to rip from a cd at a speed higher than 5x.

            I've never expereinced this problem with any other rippers,strange.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

              Try ripping to Test Conversion, if the rate is less than x6 then there is a problem, in which case try the Nero drive speed program.


              • KoRnY

                • Feb 2004
                • 5

                Re: Convert Open MG files to Ogg/Mp3?

                The test conversion ripped at 70x,but still when I rip from a CD it's slow....:(

