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Recovery from Crashed Batch Conversion of 18,000 files - what is left to convert?

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  • SurroundPro

    • Mar 2021
    • 3

    Recovery from Crashed Batch Conversion of 18,000 files - what is left to convert?

    Question: does dBpa or some other converter have a function that atomically keeps track *en masse* of what files from the source selection were successfully converted even in the event of dBpa crashing in the middle of a batch conversion?

    If context helps one better understand that question:

    After about 18 hours processing a selection of ~18,000 files, 12,000 files were converted after which dBpa crashed and left a crash log for my morning breakfast read with coffee. (I declined the offer.) The computer itself did not crash and everything else was operating normally.

    I sampled a bit of the result and found it was not a simple matter to determine which of the source files remain to be converted...e.g. some folders in the middle of the list did not have all the subfolders of the source folders, i.e. files were missing through out the result file hierarchy. Old timers will recall attempting to xfer batches of files using the 1200 BAUD modems before such atomic logic was built into the transfer protocols.

    This is similar to the copy mass files problem in an OS..if it fails during the transfer it is not simple to figure out how to restart other than to retry the entire set of files.

    I know, I know, there are programs and shell scripts that can compare file systems to assist a manual recovery. Just seems to me that at this stage of batch conversion of mass audio files (some people on reddit/musichoarders claim 2.5 Million files!), some batch converter out there has automated crash recovery.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Recovery from Crashed Batch Conversion of 18,000 files - what is left to convert?

    Just run the conversion again and when asked if want to overwrite existing, choose no.

