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Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

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  • Gonk-1964

    • Apr 2021
    • 3

    Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

    I recently bought and installed the Music Converter & CD Ripper program Release 17.3. I don't know why, but it has added id tags to html files, and I can see no way to remove the tags from this filetype.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

    dBpoweramp does not associate or change html files in anyway, let alone try to id tag them. There is no such thing as an id tag for HTML files.

    Can you post a screen shot of what you are seeing? (upload the image to and paste a link here please).


    • Gonk-1964

      • Apr 2021
      • 3

      Re: Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

      Simple and lightning fast image sharing. Upload clipboard images with Copy & Paste and image files with Drag & Drop


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

        dBpoweramp did not do that, it is likely you had some audio tracks in that folder, then windows decided to switch the explorer view. You can change that folder, this might help:

        Windows File Explorer defaults to a simple view of files on your machine that isn't secure. Changes these settings as soon as you can.


        • Gonk-1964

          • Apr 2021
          • 3

          Re: Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

          Simple and lightning fast image sharing. Upload clipboard images with Copy & Paste and image files with Drag & Drop


          • Dat Ei
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2014
            • 1810

            Re: Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

            The type of the folder view is the one of a Music folder (function of the OS). You can change the view type.

            Dat Ei


            • schmidj
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2013
              • 526

              Re: Music Converter & CD Ripper id tag issue

              Yes, as Dat said, this has nothing to do with any software apps that you are running. This is all part of the "dumbing down" of Windows, particularly Windows 10. Microsoft, in its infinite(ly stupid) wisdom thinks it knows better than you what you want to see about files displayed in Windows Explorer, and when it thinks you are looking at music files (probably by looking at the file extensions) it starts displaying metadata inside the files like titles and artists instead of the usual modified date, file size, file type, etc. But besides the fact that you might really prefer to see the old fashioned information in explorer, it seems to get really confused when the displayed folder contains a mix of what it thinks are "music" files like mp3's and other non music files, like PDFs or whatever, and all too often tries to display them all as though they were music files. Mighty annoying, thanks Microsoft!

              But, actually, nothing has happened to the files, only how Windows is displaying data about them. With some effort, you can tell Windows to display them in File Explorer as plain, old files, and not music files. The content of the files remains the same, this is all just what information Windows thinks you want to see about them. And you can also add columns to the display by right clicking on the row with the column headings and selecting more columns from the drop down list.

