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Arrange Music Question

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  • Dan

    Arrange Music Question

    Okay, so I use the Arrange Music thing a ton, but just recently (actually, since I've registered the Power Pack), a lot of times when I use it, instead of putting the track number, it puts '00', even when the ID tag has the track number filled in. However, if I put a 0 in front of the track number in the ID tag and do it again, it renames it correctly. Anyone know how I can fix this?
  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: Arrange Music Question

    A few questions.

    What format are your files? MP3, WMA?
    Which version tags are you using? V1 only, V2 only, V1 and V2?


    • Dan

      Re: Arrange Music Question

      I'm using MP3s, and it's either V2 only or V1 and V2, but I actually got it working again after reinstalling the software. I think there may have been a conflict in the release version.


