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Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

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  • andythefox

    • Oct 2020
    • 4

    Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder


    I'm unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes encoder in music converter version 17. I'm getting the following error.

    Error converting to m4a QAAC (iTunes), 'E:\Kotovsky86_-_New_Synth_FLAC\Kotovsky86 - New Synth FLAC\01 - Act of Chase.flac' to 'E:\Kotovsky86_-_New_Synth_FLAC\Kotovsky86 - New Synth FLAC\01 - Act of Chase.m4a'
    Error writing audio data to StdIn Pipe [clEncoder::EncodeBlock]
    Unable to tag file 'E:\Kotovsky86_-_New_Synth_FLAC\Kotovsky86 - New Synth FLAC\01 - Act of Chase.m4a'

    Is there something I'm doing wrong?


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

    It is a general error out of QAAC which means it is not working.

    Check you have iTunes installed (not the app store version).


    • andythefox

      • Oct 2020
      • 4

      Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

      iTunes is installed and it's the latest version and not from the app store.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

        Try the built in m4a (FDK aac) encoder.


        • andythefox

          • Oct 2020
          • 4

          Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

          FDK AAC has no issues.


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

            Use m4a FDK aac instead if that works for you, it is as equally as good as iTunes.


            • andythefox

              • Oct 2020
              • 4

              Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

              Will do! Thanks


              • isogo

                • Nov 2020
                • 2

                Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                Hi, I have the exactly same error. m4a FDK works perfectly. iTunes version is 64bit (not downloaded from Windows Store), dBpoweramp release is 17.2 (x64), m4a QAAC (iTunes) Encoder is Release 1, Windows 10 Pro N Version 20H2 Build 19042.572 with Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.31.0
                Last edited by isogo; November 02, 2020, 02:22 AM.


                • Lynx_TWO
                  dBpoweramp Enthusiast

                  • Aug 2009
                  • 85

                  Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                  Hey Spoon, I can confirm something else is going on - having the same issues with Windows 10 Pro for Workstations Version 20H2 Build 19042.630

                  [PHP]Off-topic, FDKAAC is set to maximum Channels being 6, can confirm 8 channels is supported. Changed the MAXCHANNELS to 8 and the encoded file plays with all 8 channels in Foobar2000 properly (confirmed with the VU meter visualization) but oddly enough when you right-click and hit properties, dBpoweramp says it's a six-channel file so not sure what the deal is there...[/PHP]

                  Anyway, back the QAAC issue, I've tried the following:

                  Installed older version of iTunes from the Apple Store (non-Unified App version, Windows .exe)
                  Result: No change, same error

                  Tried setting qaac64.exe to run as Administrator
                  Result: No error and encode said complete, but 0kb .m4a.tmp.m4a file leftover and no final result

                  Tried Reinstalling the QAAC dBpoweramp encoder
                  Result: no change, and actually, uninstalling the QAAC encoder did not reset the qaac64.exe back to running without admin right - I had to go back in and change the app defaults. Don't know if this is something that dBPoweramp could check but just wanted to put it out there

                  OK, so I went to the dBpoweramp Advanced Settings configuration, checked "music converter debug" then tried again.

                  Splitting Command Line:"C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\CoreConverter.exe" -dbcmd="C:\Users\usaft\AppData\Local\Temp\dBT5EB8.tmp"
                  ->->  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                  <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
                  Decodes  [clDecoder::Get]
                  BatchID  [clDecoder::Set]
                  ->->  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                    Loading Encoder 'C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a QAAC (iTunes).DLL'
                  <-<-  [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
                  BatchID  [clEncoder::Set]
                  ->->  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                  <-<-  [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
                  SendRawUnCompressed  [clEncoder::Get]
                  Communicate  [clDecoder::Get]
                  Communicate  [clEncoder::Get]
                  NeedHQAudio  [clEncoder::Get]
                  Decode As  [clDecoder::Set]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::Open]
                    Opening file 'C:\Users\usaft\Music\Remastered\Test for Bass Behavior_new settings.flac' for read access: Opened
                    Init FLAC: 
                    Reading Meta Data: 
                     contained 0 tags:
                    ->->  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                    <-<-  [clDecoder::ReadIDTags]
                    ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                  	Encoder: FLAC REAPER
                  	Sample Count: 2,880,000
                  	Contains: CRC
                    <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioProps]
                    ->->  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                      Uncompressed WFX (sent to db): Format Tag: 1  Channels: 8  Bits per Sample: 24  Samples Per Second: 48000  Bytes Per Second: 1152000  Block Align: 24  CB Size: 0
                      Audio Length: 60000 mili-seconds  14713130 bytes  9216 kbps
                    <-<-  [clDecoder::FillAudioInfo]
                    Creating Decode Buffers: Created
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::Open]
                  SendOverReplayGainTags  [clEncoder::Get]
                  ->->  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                    Converting to 'C:\Users\usaft\Music\Remastered\Test for Bass Behavior_new settings.m4a' encoder settings ' -cli_encoder="C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a QAAC (iTunes)\qaac64.exe" -cli_cmd="--tvbr 27  - -o {qt}[outfile]{qt}" -selection="0,3,0,0"'
                    Using Encoder 'C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a QAAC (iTunes)\qaac64.exe'
                    Command Line '--tvbr 27  - -o "C:\Users\usaft\Music\REMAST~1\TESTFO~1.M4A"'
                    Input Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 8  Bits per Sample: 24  Samples Per Second: 48000  Bytes Per Second: 1152000  Block Align: 24  CB Size: 0
                    Output Wave Format:Format Tag: 1  Channels: 8  Bits per Sample: 24  Samples Per Second: 48000  Bytes Per Second: 1152000  Block Align: 24  CB Size: 0
                    Passing Wave Header: Yes
                    Using StdInput Pipe: Yes
                    dBpoweramp Writing Tags: Yes
                  <-<-  [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
                  ->->  [clDecoder::Close]
                  <-<-  [clDecoder::Close]
                  OK! So I fired up Notepad as administrator and opened both the FDKAAC encoder.txt file and the QAAC encoder.txt file to see if this is something I can figure out.

                  *two hours later*

                  I dunno man. I'm pulling my hair out over this one. Probably something really dumb and basic I'm missing but yea I can't get this to work


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44825

                    Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                    Create a wave file, put qaac.exe in the same folder and have a look at the documentation for qaac and see if can get it to convert that wave file outside of dBpoweramp (from the command line).


                    • isogo

                      • Nov 2020
                      • 2

                      Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                      Hi. Just realized QAAC developers have released version 2.71 on Oct 2, 2020 (see here and here Replacing dBpoweramp QAAC package in *programsfolder*\dBpoweramp\encoder\m4a QAAC (iTunes) with version 2.71 solved the issue. Hope this helps.


                      • Spoon
                        • Apr 2002
                        • 44825

                        Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                        Thanks for heads up, we release updated codec now


                        • GBrown
                          dBpoweramp Guru

                          • Oct 2009
                          • 351

                          Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                          I see the codec page for qaac was updated recently and says "Release R2" but the download still shows R1 when installing.


                          • Spoon
                            • Apr 2002
                            • 44825

                            Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                            Try clear internet cache and re-downloading, I just downloaded myself and ran the install and it says 'Release 2'


                            • GBrown
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Oct 2009
                              • 351

                              Re: Unable to convert any files to AAC using the itunes/QAAC encoder

                              Originally posted by Spoon
                              Try clear internet cache and re-downloading, I just downloaded myself and ran the install and it says 'Release 2'
                              Got it now, seems it took a couple of refreshes to get the updated download.

