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Need help with MP3 and AAC audio conversion property settings

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  • Bespin1138
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Jun 2020
    • 57

    Need help with MP3 and AAC audio conversion property settings


    I am currently ripping my audio CDs to FLAC. After I have finished ripping my CDs, I intend create copies of all of my songs in either MP3 or AAC. I wish to create copies of my songs in the highest quality possible in either format. I have already looked at both the standard and advanced settings for both MP3 and AAC. With the exception of my understanding of higher bitrates generally meaning better sound quality, virtually all of the other settings have me confused. What are the correct setting that I need to put in place in both the main settings and advanced settings for both MP3 and AAC to get the highest audio quality possible when converting to either format?

    On a side note, am I correct in understanding that unless I use the "DSP Delete Source File" option from the DSP Effects menu list, when I create an MP3 or AAC copy of a song from the FLAC source file, the FLAC source file will still remain on my machine? I intend to use my FLAC files for music listening at home while the MP3 or AAC files are used for traveling.

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Need help with MP3 and AAC audio conversion property settings

    Yes your source files are always untouched.

    There are no special settings needed, only the bit rate which defines the overall quality.

