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Why doesn't Converter remember its Convert To setting?

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  • John Malcolm

    • Aug 2020
    • 5

    Why doesn't Converter remember its Convert To setting?

    The Music Converter always dumps whatever music/folders I want to be converted in the Music folder instead of (and this is despite it being told multiple times) in the Source File/folder. Version 15.3 did this happily, so why can't 17.3? This is from the right-click menu in Windows 10.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Why doesn't Converter remember its Convert To setting?

    So you right click on a file >> convert to >>

    click the output to box and choose 'existing source folders', click convert. The files end up in the right folder, but next time you click convert to, it has defaulted to 'music'?


    • John Malcolm

      • Aug 2020
      • 5

      Re: Why doesn't Converter remember its Convert To setting?

      Not quite. The default target folder is Music\Source Path\Source filename, but if I try to change this then it works once (changed to Existing Source folder(s)) but, after closing the program and opening it again (say the following day) the default is back to Music\Source Path\Source filename again.

      Of course, now I've been trying it to work out exactly whats been going on, once I'd changed the default folder it stayed changed, but I will try rebooting Windows and see if the old default returns. If it doesn, the I apologise for the confusion I've caused, but this change has been happening, so I'll reboot.


      • John Malcolm

        • Aug 2020
        • 5

        Re: Why doesn't Converter remember its Convert To setting?

        Ah ha, I think I have it.

        First; after a reboot Convertor did remember the setting. However, as a matter of course I've (in the past) been running CCleaner to tidy up before closing down, so I ran its Custom Clean (as I've been doing for many years) and the setting in Converter changed back. CCleaner never affected v. 15.3 of Converter, so I assume that either some new cleaning feature in CCleaner is now affecting Converter, or v. 17.3 is now saving its default setting in some way that CCleaner can get its hands on to.

        Yes, I know the solution; put the files to be converted in the default folder of Converter and still use CCleaner. However, this mucks up my nice and organised folder structure (evolved over years) so I'd like to avoid that - but, however, for ease of conversion I will do that.

        Thank you for your time.


        • John Malcolm

          • Aug 2020
          • 5

          Re: Why doesn't Converter remember its Convert To setting?

          I've delved further and discovered that the latest version of CCleaner now lists dbpoweramp as an application to be scanned (listed under Multimedia), so I've removed the tick in CCleaner and will re-run. Oh dear, it wants me to close Firefox, so be back in a sec...


          • John Malcolm

            • Aug 2020
            • 5

            Re: Why doesn't Converter remember its Convert To setting?

            Yes, after running CCleaner with dbpoweramp unticked the Convert To folder hasn't changed. CCleaner has remembered the setting and won't touch dbpoweramp in future.

            So, sorry for the posting, but I hope this may help others who are possibly struggling with being too festidious in their cleaning at the end of a session...!

