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Flac file size after replay gain

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  • Caipion

    • Apr 2020
    • 14

    Flac file size after replay gain

    Hi all ,

    i just added replay gain to a few albums and hi-res files seems to be about 5-10% smaler after this.

    This is a little strange cause cds i ripped seems to have the same size after i added replay gain.

    Is this related to the new 1.33 flac version or 24 bit ? (I just upgraded to DBPoweramp 17)


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Flac file size after replay gain

    You are converting flac >> flac and only using the Replaygain dsp effect?

    It is likely the original flac files were compressed with different compression settings.


    • Caipion

      • Apr 2020
      • 14

      Re: Flac file size after replay gain

      24/96 FLAC as base file (FLAC 1.3.1)

      From 110.791kb to 105.166kb FLAC 1.3.1 to FLAC 1.33 (Level5)
      From 110.791kb to 105.136kb FLAC 1.3.1 to FLAC 1.33 (Level5)(With Replay Gain DSP)
      From 110.791kb to 110.485kb FLAC 1.3.1 to FLAC 1.33 (Fastest)

      So better compression but strange as the file with replay gain is always smaler.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: Flac file size after replay gain

        30KB difference, it is likely that tag padding is being removed on the later write of replaygain tags.


        • Caipion

          • Apr 2020
          • 14

          Re: Flac file size after replay gain

          So it is updating the file adding replay gain and does like a defrag of the vorbis tag ? Just that i get it


          • Lynx_TWO
            dBpoweramp Enthusiast

            • Aug 2009
            • 85

            Re: Flac file size after replay gain

            Originally posted by Caipion
            So it is updating the file adding replay gain and does like a defrag of the vorbis tag ? Just that i get it
            Spoon would know for sure, but generally you have a certain amount of data you can pad (reserve or add on to) at the beginning or end of a file when encoding, so if someone had, say, a 500kb tag padding on each track, and you only needed 470kB to hold the artwork and tags, and did not have a pre-set tag padding size, then that would explain the difference.


            • garym
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Nov 2007
              • 5931

              Re: Flac file size after replay gain

              Originally posted by Caipion
              So it is updating the file adding replay gain and does like a defrag of the vorbis tag ? Just that i get it

