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Display issues on 4k Win10 Pro computer - fields and drop-downs chopped

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  • Broon

    • Jun 2020
    • 1

    Display issues on 4k Win10 Pro computer - fields and drop-downs chopped

    Attention guys and gals at dbPoweramp, I shouldn't have to post to the forum to get tech support for something I spent my hard earned cash on.

    Having said that, I sincerely hope I hear from an employee of the company who is well versed in tech support for the product you sold me.

    Or someone who had to deal with this before I did. If you have a fix to offer I will be truly grateful.

    I have display issues I did not have when I used the trial. Here is a pic. And before you ask... no I will not change my screen resolution to get rid of the issue, if that's even possible.

    I would think during programming and interface design that you would be testing for this issue.

    Here is a pic. Please fix. ( I was going to use the email address on the site but it says its for non-technical issues)

    Click image for larger version

Name:	dbPoweramp Music Converter Display issues - drop down list boxes.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	79.9 KB
ID:	297521

    Best regards,

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Display issues on 4k Win10 Pro computer - fields and drop-downs chopped

    You are running R16, the issue is not with R16 but with the WMA codec which was a 2nd download and had not been updated. The issue was resolved in R17 as these codecs are now included as standard in the install see:



    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: Display issues on 4k Win10 Pro computer - fields and drop-downs chopped

      Originally posted by Broon
      I shouldn't have to post to the forum to get tech support for something I spent my hard earned cash on.
      What else would you suggest?

      IMO, a support forum is an excellent tool and resource for end users as most problems are not unique. Sharing issues benefits others and is often much quicker than waiting days for a 1-to-1 support technician and a resolution.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44824

        Re: Display issues on 4k Win10 Pro computer - fields and drop-downs chopped

        ...and for the record, if you wanted tech support (phone) from Microsoft you would be charged around $150 for a support incident...

