I specify my Roon music file for an overnight (or longer) job of converting the cuts to ALAC or similar. I am trying to whittle down the number of cuts to be converted (there are about 70K total). For example, I want to exclude all Classical Genre tracks for conversion. However, after clicking the filter feature and waiting at least 30 minutes to exclude all classical cuts, the request had not resolved. Any workarounds, tips, advice appreciated. John V.
Large File Numbers Prove Challenging to Convert in Bulk
Large File Numbers Prove Challenging to Convert in Bulk
Last edited by jmvenable@chart; June 10, 2020, 05:06 AM.Tags: None -
Re: Large File Numbers Prove Challenging to Convert in Bulk
For it to show the filter page it has to read all the ID Tags, for 70K files that will take a long time. You are best just converting all 70K in one go, you can pause conversion during the day if not need it running.