Usually, if you try and convert a file to the same file type in the same location, you will get a warning that the original file will be overwritten, then you can choose whether to proceed or not.
However, if the file name has a space at the end of it, you don't get a warning, the file is still overwritten, but the new file has the space at the end of its name removed.
So for, example, if you had this file (note the space before ".flac"): -
01 - Track 01 .flac
.....and you tried to convert it to flac, you would get no warning about it being overwritten and the new file would have the space removed from its name: -
01 - Track 01.flac
However, if the file name has a space at the end of it, you don't get a warning, the file is still overwritten, but the new file has the space at the end of its name removed.
So for, example, if you had this file (note the space before ".flac"): -
01 - Track 01 .flac
.....and you tried to convert it to flac, you would get no warning about it being overwritten and the new file would have the space removed from its name: -
01 - Track 01.flac