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FreeDB Problems with Audio Input

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  • Mikee

    FreeDB Problems with Audio Input

    Hey. I downloaded the latest release of dbPowerAMP Audio Input and it's just fantastic for ripping all my albums. Now, I've been having some problems with the FreeDB feature on it, however. Most of the time, the artist, album, and track titles are all recognized perfectly. But sometimes the program gives me an error message stating that the database for the album cannot be found. Now some albums that I am ripping where I get this message on are obviously very well-known albums that countless people own and rip everyday! So I figure something's wrong, head over to, and search in their database, only to find HUNDREDS OF COPIES of the database file!!!! This has happened to more than enough of these CD's now! What is going on? Is there a way I can apply the database files to each CD? Is there anything I can do?

    I would appreciate any help! Thank you for your time!

  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: FreeDB Problems with Audio Input

    What is the exact error please?


    • Mikee

      Re: FreeDB Problems with Audio Input

      Originally posted by Spoon
      What is the exact error please?
      I cannot get it right now, but it just says that the FreeDB database does not have the CD inside my CD-ROM drive. It also says I have to manually input it and submit to FreeDB.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44825

        Re: FreeDB Problems with Audio Input

        Make sure you have Release 10.1, there was a bug and Extended CDs.


        • Dukee101

          • Jan 2004
          • 4

          Re: FreeDB Problems with Audio Input

          Thanks for the tip. I downloaded the new release (10.1) and now everything works just fine! You're a good man Spoone, you really are.

