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"alt-preset insane" broken?

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  • Unregistered

    "alt-preset insane" broken?

    When using this setting, the file produced does not seem to have the correct properties for the Lame --alt-preset insane setting.
    The file lacks safejoint stereo, and is gpsycho instead of nspsytune. It also is not writing the Lame/Xing tags.

    "Alt preset cbr" set at 320 doesn't work, either.

    Files produced with RazorLame/3.93.1 (an app I was hoping dbpoweramp could replace) are consistent with alt-insane.

    I am using Encspot to verify this info, if that matters.

    A brief sound check of the file didn't reveal any obvious sound differences, however I was only using my computer's speakers.

    I am using dbpoweramp release 10.

    Any ideas? Did I overlook something?
    The other presets (extreme, standard, etc.) seem to be ok, for the most part.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44883

    Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

    Try putting the same 3.93.1 DLL version into dMC, you cannot compare Lame with different versions.


    • Unregistered

      Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

      dmc doesn't use 3.93 (3.93.1)?? (encspot does show the files as 3.93)?
      Although this does not matter with any Lame as far back as 3.90.
      Only prior to 3.90 are the alt-presets not supported.

      I found the file at: "C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\Compression\Lame\lame_ enc.dll"
      I tried replacing it with a file of the same name in RazorLame's folder (I saved the original), but no change whatsoever (still not writing the Lame tag, gpsycho etc.).
      I don't think this is where the problem is, but I'm not sure.

      Should I try replacing this one? (but with what? Razor doesn't have a similar-named file)
      C:\Program Files\Illustrate\dBpowerAMP\Compression\Mp3 (Lame).dll

      I'm guessing the direct typing in of a Lame command line is not available with dmc?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44883

        Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

        Sorry, yes it is 3.93.1, can you try 3.90? if that does not work I can go on a bug hunt (leave mp3 (lame).dll alone)


        • Unregistered

          Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

          OK, i got the Lame 3.90.3 dll and its still the same (well the files report as 3.90 now).

          This bug (?) seems like its only happening at CBR settings.

          Not sure if this might be related...
          Should the HF cutoff with alt-preset extreme be 19600?
          I've been reading a bit about the alt-preset specs and it seems pretty specific at 19500, which Razor uses.
          Alt-standard is correct at 19000.
          3.90 vs 3.93 made no difference with this either.



          • Unregistered

            Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

            Nevermind that last part (3.90.3 cuts at 19600 in Razorlame also)


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44883

              Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

              I will note it as a bug.


              • Unregistered

                Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

                OK, cool, I will keep a lookout for a future release then.

                Outside of this, I like the program a lot. Its simple and convenient to use, especially with the "convert to..." on right-click.
                The OGG and other plugins are nice.

                I've had Shuffler Music Converter on my PC for some time prior and looking for updates on it is what brought me to dbpoweramp.

                Thanks for the great software


                • Spoon
                  • Apr 2002
                  • 44883

                  Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

                  Looked into razorlame differences:

                  razorlame is very out of date on its presets, most of its modes are CBR (suchas Studio), where lame now uses ABR...


                  • Spoon
                    • Apr 2002
                    • 44883

                    Re: "alt-preset insane" broken?

                    Slight differences in insane, etc are down to the lame_enc.dll being different to lame.exe

                    I will however create a lame.exe easy install

