Just updated to the new 2019 Version and My Lame mp3 convertor will not increase the bit rate higher.
For example:
128Kbs files will not convert to 320kbs in any format in constant or variable bit rate.
This has only happened since I updated and purchased the new 2019 Version.
Are other people having the same issue and how can it be resolved.
I have all checked that i have all the codes for lame mp3 codes from the codec central.
Appreciate an answer please.
For example:
128Kbs files will not convert to 320kbs in any format in constant or variable bit rate.
This has only happened since I updated and purchased the new 2019 Version.
Are other people having the same issue and how can it be resolved.
I have all checked that i have all the codes for lame mp3 codes from the codec central.
Appreciate an answer please.