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TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

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  • jt-dragon

    • Apr 2019
    • 1

    TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

    Sync from TuneFUSION on Windows to FooBar2000 Android seems to be stuck:
    Sync started on Friday, April 5, 2019, 17:17:34 PM to foobar2000 on Google Pixel 3
    Library contains 13177 tracks, 12580 tracks requiring syncing
    Sync incomplete.

    It has been at "12580 tracks requiring syncing" for many hours now.

    Windows log show some files with the error:
    Storing Zbs Foundation/Invasion.mp3
    Unable to store Zbs Foundation/Invasion.mp3

    Some filenames have special characters, but not all of them do.

    ...with no other error shown. There is 78GB free in the destination, so I cannot tell why it would have a problem storing some files.
    Sync started on Friday, April 5, 2019, 17:17:34 PM to foobar2000 on Google Pixel 3
    Library contains 13177 tracks, 12580 tracks requiring syncing
    Device has 78 GB free space, 466.31 MB already synchronized

    On the Android device, the FooBar2000 app under "Sync with TuneFUSION" sometimes says "network timeout." With no other error, network is otherwise fine, it seems like it is just waiting on TuneFUSION.

    Please advise, cannot tell what the actual error is as there are no other error messages that I can see.
  • schmidj
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2013
    • 526

    Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android


    I've never made Tune Fusion work via Bluetooth with my Android (Samsung 7 Edge, current software) Saving to "music" on SD card. Same sync with SD card removed from phone and in USB adapter plugged into computer works flawlessly. With card in phone and syncing by Bluetooth, fails after a variable period of time with same errors you see. Seems to get to some file and detail log says unable to transfer, phone is hung on transferring that file. and yes, I see these "network timeout" messages on phone, not sure if they are connected with the issue,as if you actually watch the phone (for quite a while, waiting for the transfer to fail) when it fails, it sits there on one file the phone saying transferring (or saving or whatever the message is, I forget) forever, that's when the sync hangs. The computer tries another few files with the "unable to store" messages in the sync log, then quits with "never synced".

    I also thought it might be special or restricted characters at first, I had a filename with a semicolon that failed on several attempts, changed the semicolon to a comma and it transferred, (although the sync failed a while later with the same error on another file that had no semicolon) but then I saw other files with semicolons that transferred fine.

    There are about 60,000 files in my library, I have a 400GB micro SDXC in the phone.

    I gave up and have synced with the card out of the phone in a USB adapter (which as I said, works fine). I had not reported it here as no one else had and I thought it might be something stupid I was doing, or some buried setting in the Android system, and have been too busy with other things to spend the time trying to isolate the problem (it does take a lot of time watching it, as it sometimes runs for quite a while before hanging). But since you have the same issue, I'm now reporting it.

    BTW, when I sync with the card in the USB adapter and then later sync with the phone via Bluetooth, it doesn't recognize that it had previously synced the same folder using a different sync. It starts over, all 60K files, instead of the couple of dozen I have added. If I use the USB adapter again )(being careful to make sure it is the same drive letter), the sync works correctly. It would be nice if TuneFusion could recognize that the SD card had previously been synced via USB when reinserted in the phone and synced by Bluetooth.

    I tried to sync to the phone with the phone connected as a USB device to the computer, but couldn't get TuneFusion to find the assigned drive letter or directory name for the card in the phone. Not sure this is possible with the way the Android system communicates with the Windows OS. If it is possible, I'd like to know what directory name to enter in TuneFusion to get it to see the SD card inside the phone.

    Another "annoyance" with the Bluetooth sync, if you break the pairing at the phone (to change a setting in the phone, Foobar requires you to break the pair), you can never repair to that saved sync. You have to create a new sync which requires you to re-enter all the settings as to file types, folders and metadata types to save, etc. Bug or feature (call that what you will), it would be nice, once this transfer bug is solved, to be able to reestablish pairing with a previously saved sync.

    From a previous experience with similar communications failure but with RS232 years ago, since in at least some cases it seems to be the same files that hang, we ended up having an issue where the checksum which was generated to verify a good transfer (in our case via RS232) ended up being an illegal hex character (in our case it ended up as an NAK, which kept forcing the RS232 link to keep resending the same checksum, endless loop.) I wonder if something similar with the Bluetooth communication link is going on. Only fails with Bluetooth, Android, fails only occasionally (sometimes after just a few files, sometimes after a thousand or so), and sometimes repeatedly on the same file, but making a slight change in the filename, that file transfers.) Just a thought, probably totally wrong, but just a thought.
    Last edited by schmidj; April 07, 2019, 06:09 PM.


    • PeterP
      Super Moderator
      • Jul 2011
      • 1497

      Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

      Various bugs with TuneFUSION vs foobar2000 mobile are being investigated, thanks for reporting.

      Note that there's no "bluetooth sync", it's all plain TCP/IP networking over your phone's wifi connection, with UPnP style discovery for pairing.


      • schmidj
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2013
        • 526

        Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

        Thanks for looking into this, also for clarifying that it is using the wifi connection, which I should have realized as the only bluetooth connection the phone has in the house is with Android's "Alexa".


        • PeterP
          Super Moderator
          • Jul 2011
          • 1497

          Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

          I just posted a beta update to foobar2000 mobile for Android, 1.1.38.

          Some of the known issues have been addressed, I'm still investigating the details.

          In particular, it turned out that the way foobar2000 was preventing device sleep while syncing would not prevent the device from disconnecting from wifi networks, resulting in disconnected sync sessions - at least with recent versions of Android.

          I applied the same solution as on iOS-

          As long as "Sync with TuneFUSION" page is open and a sync operation is in progress, the device will not sleep, and the screen will not turn off. Of course it's recommended to connect your device to AC power while doing this, if transferring gigabytes of music.


          • schmidj
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2013
            • 526

            Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

            1.1.38 still fails. Runs for a while, with some errors, and finally fails.

            I tried to post the detailed log but the forum says it has too many characters. I can send it to you by Dropbox or similar if it would be useful.



            • PeterP
              Super Moderator
              • Jul 2011
              • 1497

              Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

              Thanks for your feedback.

              foobar2000 mobile ver 1.1.39 is finally live (as beta) on Android and will be released to beta testers on iOS tomorrow as well. It fixes some of TuneFUSION related bugs as well as provides all new user interface for TuneFUSION operations.

              Please keep in mind that foobar2000 will not prevent the device from going to sleep during sync - unless you keep the TuneFUSION page open; then the screen stays on for as long as the sync is running.

              A major update to TuneFUSION app is in the works, with lots of annoying bugs fixed, and is expected to be available early next week. In meanwhile, you can email me any debug logs to .


              • schmidj
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Nov 2013
                • 526

                Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

                1.1.39 behaves the same as 38. Ran it several times in succession. I'll send the logs attached to email(s) Ignore the V and a number appended to the file name, that was to keep them from getting written over when I saved them.

                Phone is Samsung 7 Edge, current software. Source computer is Windows 7, current with current version of Tune Fusion. D Drive which has directory with files is a raid 1 array in the computer.

                My original files are two directories on a NAS. One is all FLAC (ripped with dBpa) except for a small sub-directory with a small quantity of MP3 files in folders that were acquired as MP3's The other directory is m4a's ripped using Winamp, originally for a Ipod. About 10,000 of the 60,000 plus files. The source CDs of these are slowly being reripped to FLAC in the FLAC directory and the m4a's are deleted.

                Historically, I was from time to time running batch converter to generate a complete m4a directory on the above mentioned D drive. I'd then remove the 400GB micro HDXC card from the phone, plug it into a USB adapter plugged into the computer and use Windows to copy all the files to the Music directory on the HDXC card. Worked fine, but limited music updates on phone to occasionally. Then set up a sync using Tune FUSION to do the same thing automatically to the PC D drive, twice a day, so the folder on the D drive is always automatically up to date. This application of tuneFUSION works flawlessly, or it did once I fixed an issue with a couple of duplicate folders in the source directories and a couple of too-long file/directory names that snuck in sometime.

                In the absence of tuneFUSION's functioning properly with the Android phone, I've still been removing the card from the phone from time to time, using the USB adapter with the PC but now using tuneFUSION to sync the directory of folders with m4a files on the D drive to the music directory on the HD card, then putting the card back in the phone. This also works flawlessly, as long as I make sure the USB adapter maps to the correct drive letter for the saved sync.

                But when I set up the sync to foobar2000 in the android, it only runs for a variably short time and then fails, phone says network error, tuneFusion says first 100% then "never synced"

                I will say, I haven't manually deleted the folders/files synced to the "music" directory on the card with the USB adapter before syncing with Foobar. Unfortunately, the Foobar sync doesn't recognize that almost all these files were already synced using the USB adapter, and starts over again syncing the 60,000 + files. But I've examined the update dates on the files on the card and the sync simply writes over the existing files and updates the modified date accordingly, at least for the few files it's been able to sync before hanging.

                I still see "network timeout" messages, for a few seconds from time to time when looking at the Foobar page for the sync, when the phone is idle. When syncing I don't see them, but what I do see, when watching the phone and TuneFusion at the same time is all of a sudden, the listing of track being saved on the Foobar end, which usually takes only a second or so before advancing to the next track, will hang for some seconds. Meanwhile, the counter of remaining tracks in TuneFusion continues to decrement, although at a slower rate than when the phone isn't "hung". Sometimes it recovers and keeps going (but generating error messages in the log for several tracks before resuming), but other times it never recovers, TuneFusion gives up and Foobar reads "network error".

                Thanks for your efforts.

                BTW, TuneFUSION would be even more useful if I could run it on the QNAP NAS, which runs 24/7 like I do with Asset, as then I wouldn't have to leave the Windows desktop running unattended to let the syncs run.

                Last edited by schmidj; April 20, 2019, 08:41 AM.


                • PeterP
                  Super Moderator
                  • Jul 2011
                  • 1497

                  Re: TuneFUSION Windows sync to FoorBar2000 Android

                  Just released: TuneFUSION R1.1 and foobar2000 mobile v1.1.40 beta.

                  Lots of reliability problems have been addressed. Thanks for the detailed bug reports.

