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Windows 7 AIF Tag handling error.

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  • AdeUK

    • Jan 2019
    • 2

    Windows 7 AIF Tag handling error.

    V16.6 having problems with tag information in Windows 7 x 64 explorer. My original AIF files show the correct column information (Artist, Title etc.) when installing dbPA but afrer running the file through a 3rd party program, the tag information is missing from windows explorer, however, the tag is still there and fully editable in 2 x tag editing programs, but not available to edit using right click tag edit, Installing and associating Audioshell with AIF files fixes the column information in explorer, but right click edit using dbPoweramp tag editor shows all information is blank. The right click Audioshell editor, however, works with the file. Anyone else had this problem?

    Screenshot 1
    Screenshot 2
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Windows 7 AIF Tag handling error.

    Please upload one of your aif files (tagged by this other program), to dropbox and send the link to me by personal mail on this forum.


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Windows 7 AIF Tag handling error.

      This other program is not tagging correctly, to tag an AIFF file, to the same standard as iTunes, the ID3 tag, has to be put in an ID3 chunk at the end of the file, this program does not do that (it just puts the id3 tag at the end of the file).

      It gets worse, if you look at the sample count, audio data has been removed from by this other program, it has ruined the file.


      • AdeUK

        • Jan 2019
        • 2

        Re: Windows 7 AIF Tag handling error.

        Hi. I'm not surprised that audio data has been removed, the other program is a levelling program that removes audio peaks from the file to reduce distortion. I will let them know, however about the chunk bit. The thing that confuses me is that my 2 tag editors, VLC, and Audioshell are all able to read the tag information in the newly created file.

