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Convert WAV to FLAC with metadata

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  • Echolane

    • Dec 2018
    • 1

    Convert WAV to FLAC with metadata

    I chose WAV when I ripped my CDs, all 600 of them. That turned out to be a mistake because WAV doesn’t include metadata, but stores metadata separately. I used a Naim product to rip and its metadata is not transferable to Roon where I would like to move, or anywhere apparently. The WAV is standard format WAV but the separate metadata file is apparently unique to Naim.

    Can dbpoweramp convert WAV to FLAC? And most importantly, bring along the metadata into FLAC?

    Also, does dbpoweramp have an iOS app or must all editing be done in Windows?
  • timster67
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • May 2014
    • 210

    Re: Convert WAV to FLAC with metadata

    WAV does have the capability of including metadata, but there's no defined standard. NAIM just do their own thing, like Apple!
    You will probably have to re-rip them.


    • mville
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Dec 2008
      • 4023

      Re: Convert WAV to FLAC with metadata

      Originally posted by Echolane
      The WAV is standard format WAV but the separate metadata file is apparently unique to Naim.

      Can dbpoweramp convert WAV to FLAC? And most importantly, bring along the metadata into FLAC?

      Originally posted by Echolane
      Can dbpoweramp convert WAV to FLAC?

      Originally posted by Echolane
      Also, does dbpoweramp have an iOS app or must all editing be done in Windows?
      Not iOS, but you can trial the Apple OS X version.


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5931

        Re: Convert WAV to FLAC with metadata

        Are the WAV files named and organized in any useful way. If so, you can use the utility DSP, "Tag from Filename" to automatically create the proper tags.

        For example, if your WAV files are organized as follows:

        music\The Beatles\Abbey Road\01 - Come Together.wav

        you can use "Tag from Filename" to create artist tag (The Beatles), album tag (Abbey Road), track tag (01), and title tag (Come Together).
        (and of course you can do this as one large batch, not album at a time).

        Then you'll have tags in your WAV files and can convert to FLAC with dbpa converter.
        Last edited by garym; December 30, 2018, 02:37 PM.

