For the past years, whenever I had to tag music I just casually the title and artist using automated tools and I was a happy camper. However, now I'm trying to archive a bunch of discs and I've read a bit more into music tagging and damn that's a rabbit hole.
From what I understand, MP3 files use ID3 tags which have a formal standard set of tags. FLAC files on the other hand use Vorbis Comments that only have a specification of how to store the tags and not a specification of predefined tagnames. Thus, you end up with this stupid situation where program A uses tagname A and program B uses tagname B (especially for less commonly used tags).
This is annoying when tagging files, but this gets especially tricky when converting from one format to the other (ID3 <-> Vorbis). It seems DBPowerAmp converter takes the easy route when converting Vorbis to ID3 and converts most 'unknown' tags to custom ID3 tags TXXX/[tagname]. However, I don't want that for tags that actually have a ID3 counterpart in the specification.
For example, I'm using a Vorbis tag SETSUBTITLE (though DISCSUBTITLE is also commonly used for the same purpose). ID3 V2.4 has this same tag in the specification as TSST, which can be seen here and here
DBPowerAmp Converter however, just converts it to TXXX/SETSUBTITLE instead of TSST.
And SETSUBTITLE is not the only one, there are more tags converted like this.
So, my question is: is it possible to define custom tag mappings when converting from FLAC to MP3?
From what I understand, MP3 files use ID3 tags which have a formal standard set of tags. FLAC files on the other hand use Vorbis Comments that only have a specification of how to store the tags and not a specification of predefined tagnames. Thus, you end up with this stupid situation where program A uses tagname A and program B uses tagname B (especially for less commonly used tags).
This is annoying when tagging files, but this gets especially tricky when converting from one format to the other (ID3 <-> Vorbis). It seems DBPowerAmp converter takes the easy route when converting Vorbis to ID3 and converts most 'unknown' tags to custom ID3 tags TXXX/[tagname]. However, I don't want that for tags that actually have a ID3 counterpart in the specification.
For example, I'm using a Vorbis tag SETSUBTITLE (though DISCSUBTITLE is also commonly used for the same purpose). ID3 V2.4 has this same tag in the specification as TSST, which can be seen here and here
DBPowerAmp Converter however, just converts it to TXXX/SETSUBTITLE instead of TSST.
And SETSUBTITLE is not the only one, there are more tags converted like this.
So, my question is: is it possible to define custom tag mappings when converting from FLAC to MP3?