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Tag edits don't "save" in v.16.4 for OSX

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  • AudioMark

    • Mar 2015
    • 13

    Tag edits don't "save" in v.16.4 for OSX

    Hi all,

    Please forgive me if this is answered elsewhere on the forum, but I could not find. When I try to edit tags using new version of the tag editor (16.4 for the Mac), my changes aren't saved. For example, when I try to change "Phil Collins" in the Album Artist field so it is "Collins, Phil" it reverts back to original. Same with trying to make minor edits to song titles. What's the trick here?


  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Tag edits don't "save" in v.16.4 for OSX

    Which audio format? where are the files saved?


    • AudioMark

      • Mar 2015
      • 13

      Re: Tag edits don't "save" in v.16.4 for OSX

      They are FLAC files downloaded from HDTracks and saved to a Melco music library. The "old version" of the editor worked fine but the new version isn't saving my edits for some reason. Thanks, Spoon, for any help you can provide.


      • PeterP
        Super Moderator
        • Jul 2011
        • 1497

        Re: Tag edits don't "save" in v.16.4 for OSX

        Thanks for the bug report.

        Let's go over all the details of what happened:

        1) How do you get to the "Edit ID Tags" window? From Finder (context menu / services / Edit Tags with dBpoweramp), or from Batch Converter (context menu / Edit Tags) ?

        2) You edit some values and press [OK] to save, correct?

        3) Where do you see that the changes have not been saved to the files?
        Is it:
        a) Batch Converter window
        b) Edit ID Tags window re-opened
        c) Another app (what exact app?)

        4) Where are your files located? Local hard drive, external hard drive, NAS? Using NTFS formatted external drives by any chance, with a third party driver?
        Edit: looked up Melco, it is a brand of NAS devices, correct?
        Are you able to edit tags on files once you copy them to a local disk in your mac?

        I see that the Batch Converter indeed doesn't immediately pick the changes made to the files, but re-opening Edit ID Tags show the correct info if so.
        Last edited by PeterP; October 30, 2018, 02:49 PM.

