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Frequency output issue

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  • skypilotpete

    • May 2009
    • 37

    Frequency output issue

    I am having an issue which is confusing me. When I rip audio CDs, which MediaInfo tells me are encoded at 44.1 KHz, dbPoweramp outputs mp3 files which are only 32KHz, despite having selected "as source" under "frequency" in the advanced settings. Music Converter does the same thing when I convert 44.1 KHz wav files.

    I have tried the following.
    1) Ripped direct to mp3 using CD Ripper, selecting "as source" in the frequency settings. Results in a 32 KHz file.
    2) Ripped to wav using CD Ripper - results in a 44.1 KHz wav file. Converted wav file to mp3, selecting "as source" in the frequency settings. Results in a 32 KHz file.

    I have tried the conversion using both Batch Converter and Music Converter. I have tested this with about 20 different CDs.

    I have checked the CD and all the files I have converted using MediaInfo, and also right clicked the files themselves and checked the audio properties details which dbPowerAmp makes available in this view.

    I am using dBpoweramp Release 16.4 [64 bit], Reference edition, registered.

    I have been using dbPoweramp for many years, and I don't recollect ever having this issue before. Can someone please explain what is going on here? Have I done something wrong?
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Frequency output issue

    Regarding ripping your CDs, please confirm, are you ripping in MediaInfo or CD Ripper?


    • skypilotpete

      • May 2009
      • 37

      Re: Frequency output issue

      I am ripping with CD Ripper. I am just using MediaInfo to check the specs of the files.


      • mville
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Dec 2008
        • 4023

        Re: Frequency output issue

        Which file format do you Rip to in CD Ripper and what DSPs are you using?


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44825

          Re: Frequency output issue

          >Results in a 32 KHz file.

          Certain bitrates for mp3 have an upper frequency of 32KHz, if you choose 192Kbps CBR then it would allow 44KHz


          • skypilotpete

            • May 2009
            • 37

            Re: Frequency output issue

            Originally posted by Spoon
            >Results in a 32 KHz file.

            Certain bitrates for mp3 have an upper frequency of 32KHz, if you choose 192Kbps CBR then it would allow 44KHz
            That's very interesting. I'd never heard that before. Is this a matter of convention or that at lower bitrates there is no meaningful increase in quality by using a frequency above 32 KHz? I listen mainly to audiobooks, and the most common file specs that I come across is 64 kbps at 44.1 KHz. So it is clearly technically possible to create such files, as they are all over the place, including the audiobooks that are lent out by the Overdrive Digital Library. I would really appreciate any more information about this that you can provide.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44825

              Re: Frequency output issue

              Different mp3 encoders do different things, if you are at the lowest bitrate, the encoder would not waste bits on 44khz, when 32khz is a better choice.

