I've got the 64-bit version of dBpoweramp Reference R15.3 installed, running under 64-bit Windows 10 Pro, Build 1703. I'm trying to use the Music Converter on an MP3 source file which MediaInfo reports the codec as "LAME3.98r"
But no matter what I do, every time I try to use the Converter to convert it to basic .wav format, I get the following error:
Here's what the Debug log reported:
Since it appears that, for whatever reason, the Lame MP3 decoder was not installed, I downloaded the latest Windows binaries from here: LAME 3.100 64bit
The original filename was "lame_enc.dll". I copied this file to: "C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\decoder", and I made copies of this file and renamed them to: "lame.dll" and "mp3.dll" (that is, the same file with each of those three names exist in the decoder folder).
Yet I still get the exact same error messages! I tried re-installing the whole thing, but that didn't make any difference.
What is my problem, and how do I correct it?
But no matter what I do, every time I try to use the Converter to convert it to basic .wav format, I get the following error:
[FONT=Courier New] Error converting to Wave, 'C:\Users\nnn\Music\Short Sounds\mp3\Pew_Pew-DKnight556-1379997159.mp3' to 'C:\Users\nnn\Music\Short Sounds\mp3\Pew_Pew-DKnight556-1379997159.wav' Error: Unable to load decoder for file type '.mp3', codec not installed? visit 'Codec Central'. [dBCoreConverter::dBCoreConverter] [/FONT]
[FONT=Courier New]Splitting Command Line:Done ->-> [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile] <-<- [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] ->-> [clDecoder::Close] <-<- [clDecoder::Close] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] ->-> [clDecoder::Close] <-<- [clDecoder::Close] Decodes [clDecoder_Opus::Get] Decodes [clDecoder_Opus::Get] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] Decodes [clDecoder::Get] ->-> [clDecoder::Close] <-<- [clDecoder::Close] *** Error: Error: Unable to load decoder for file type '.mp3', codec not installed? visit 'Codec Central'. [dBCoreConverter::dBCoreConverter] [/FONT]
The original filename was "lame_enc.dll". I copied this file to: "C:\Program Files\dBpoweramp\decoder", and I made copies of this file and renamed them to: "lame.dll" and "mp3.dll" (that is, the same file with each of those three names exist in the decoder folder).
Yet I still get the exact same error messages! I tried re-installing the whole thing, but that didn't make any difference.
What is my problem, and how do I correct it?