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Tagging issues

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  • qiking

    • Nov 2014
    • 1

    Tagging issues

    Hello everyone,
    I upgraded from 15 to 16 only to find that the tagging has gotten worse. So I reverted back to 15. I would like to go back to using version 16 however I cannot stand the predictive typing feature which is a deal breaker for me. Also I don't like the way the file location is set up. Too confusing for me when the old way in 15 was way better for me. Any helpful suggestions?
  • Hotsauce

    • May 2017
    • 14

    Re: Tagging issues

    Yea i'm not a fan of dbpoweramp tagging either that's why i used tagscanner instead


    • jlmmelssen

      • Aug 2017
      • 1

      Re: Tagging issues

      Hello qiking and everyone,
      I have more or less the same experience; tagging has gotten worse. I tried to tag aiff files, put in all the tagging info, clicked on the save button and all the info was gone (not one time but three times). The file location setup is indeed confusing. Illustrate please create an update so that we can restore the old functionalities. And what can be wrong with the tagging? Please your reaction.


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44840

        Re: Tagging issues

        If the tags are not saving, then something is stopping them save, perhaps the files are not writable by dBpoweramp, perhaps security software is sandboxing dBpoweramp so it is not actually writing to the real file, or perhaps the file in question is corrupted so tags are not written correctly. It is likely this issue was present in previous versions of dBpoweramp (as tag writing for AIFF did not change from R15 to R16).

