Converting Beatport AIFF to FLAC. I tried using Edit ID-Tag to add Compilation tags to several AIFF files and they wouldn't stick. I tried to add the tags to the resulting FLACs after converting with the same non-result. I finally added the tags by converting FLAC to FLAC using the ID-Tag DSP. Is that the only way to do so, or are these Beatport files just difficult to tag?
Adding tags before conversion
Re: Adding tags before conversion
To add compilation you right click on a file, click Add+, choose compilation and set the value to 1
You are doing this? -
Re: Adding tags before conversion
When I click Add+ and choose Compilation, the tag shows in the list with a dropdown menu containing Yes and No, defaulting to Yes. I cannot make a numeric entry. Checking the tag in compilation files created with CD Ripper also shows the Yes/No dropdown.
I did some experimenting:
I tried to add the tag to a copy of a file from a non-compilation CD rip; that failed.
I tried again, selecting No from the dropdown list; that succeeded, and I was able to reopen ID-Tag Edit and change the tag.
I tried on another copy of the file, clicking on Yes (as opposed to merely accepting the default); that failed. I tried selecting No first and changing it to Yes before clicking OK; that failed.
So, it seems the only way for me to add a Compilation tag is to set it to No upon creation. I tried that on a new copy of one of the Beatport files alluded to in the OP and was successful. I don't remember if I did that when I finally succeeded in adding the tag to the FLAC files.
I'm running Windows 10 Home with the latest updates. I did not try to create a Compilation tag prior to installing the Creators Update.Comment
Re: Adding tags before conversion
Confirmed bug, next beta update will fix.Comment