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Why can't I encode to RealAudio???

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  • Unregistered

    Why can't I encode to RealAudio???

    I've uninstalled/installed the Converter and the RA codec/encoder several times. I can decode from Real Audio and convert RMs to another format just fine. Why can't I ENCODE to RealAudio???

    I'm running Win98 SE, downloaded the latest DMC release.

    Could this have anything to do with RealPlayer DLLs?
  • daren
    dBpoweramp Enthusiast

    • Apr 2002
    • 153

    Re: Why can't I encode to RealAudio???

    How are you trying to do the conversion (from 'convert to' menu, or by using
    the MusicConverter shortcut)?

    Are you getting an error message?


    Originally posted by Unregistered
    I've uninstalled/installed the Converter and the RA codec/encoder several times. I can decode from Real Audio and convert RMs to another format just fine. Why can't I ENCODE to RealAudio???

    I'm running Win98 SE, downloaded the latest DMC release.

    Could this have anything to do with RealPlayer DLLs?


    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Why can't I encode to RealAudio???

      Have you installed the Seperate Encoding Real Audio Codec (there are two on the download page)?


      • Unregistered

        Re: Why can't I encode to RealAudio???

        I've tried to do it both from 'Convert To' and from the Converter interface. I'm getting the following error message:

        " Unable to create compression CODEC 'RealAudio'. please check software installation "

        I did download both the RA encoder and the RA codec and installed them. I also have RealPlayer 8.

        BTW, I had installed RealOne Player previously but uninstalled it to change to RealPlayer 8, I think RealOne left some DLLs in my system though.. Also, when RP8 didn't play my RA files I got an old RealNetworks program just for RAs... don't know if that program has anything to do with it. My Windows ME PC has it installed and converts to RealAudio with DMC just fine. But I never tried to install RealOne on that one.

        I'm thinking it could be a software conflict, but I'm just guessing here...


        • daren
          dBpoweramp Enthusiast

          • Apr 2002
          • 153

          Re: Why can't I encode to RealAudio???

          Sounds like a DLL conflict. The Real Audio SDK DLL's for dBPowerAMP are:


          Plus all DLL's in the "c:\program files\illustrate\dbpoweramp\compression\Real Audio"

          The 3 DLL's mentioned above are placed in the "c:\program files\illustrate\dbpoweramp"
          folder, but it's possible that other versions of these DLL's are hovering in your
          "c:\Windows\system32" folder, or other places, due to the other Real Networks
          software that you have had on the PC.

          I would do a search on the hard drive for these files and either delete them
          or put them somewhere else until I know that they can be deleted.

          It's also worth checking if the start-up directory for dBPowerAMP is set
          correctly, as this also has an effect on the ability to find the correct DLL's.
          You can check this by richt-clicking the dBPowerAmp shortcut and look at
          the second textbox in the properties window. This should be set to:
          "c:\program files\illustrate\dbpoweramp".

          Hope this helps,

