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Converting Crash

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  • Unregistered

    Converting Crash

    Well here goes...

    I've been using the DMC for a long time with no problems whatsoever. I had had an issue with the beta version and the accurate rip stuff, but after uninstalling it, and going back to the non beta version, all was well.

    Until... recently I slipped a disc in to convert, and somehow the accurate rip had come back on and recognized the disc. All of a sudden I had accurate rip configured and since then, every time I convert from CD the last track to be converted crashes. (Depending on the length of the CD it will crash between 95% & 99%) The tracks that convert before the crash work fine, but the final track is unusable. Sometimes it plays a bit of music and then goes all distortion. Other times it simply doesn't convert anything. If I only convert one song, it usually crashes, although I managed to convert one song successfully after uninstalling and reinstalling again for the 4th time. I thought maybe it was fixed, but when I ripped the whole CD it crashed on the last song again, and then ripping single songs crashed also.

    I get a Windows message saying DBpowerAMP Music Converter has encountered an error and has to close.... followed by the useless option to send a report to microshit. I'm running XP on a 2.8ghz pentium 4. I don't know what to do anymore, as it seems that DMC and DbAmp never fully uninstall. Even when I uninstall every Illustrate program, and delete the entire folder, upon reinstalling, all my old options and settings are still there, and my problem is also there. Is there anyway to completely wipe the slate clean and start from scratch?

    I've become awfully dependent on your products. I have endless respect for you Spoon (and the rest of the Gang). Yet, I am a professional engineer/producer, and I don't have time to mess with products that aren't up to snuff. I had been happy with my DB stuff, and I would hate to have to find a new ripper/ player that can handle all my OGG, FLAC, Shorten, APE stuff etc.

  • Unregistered

    Re: Converting Crash

    I believe the problem may lie in a DLL. The error report mentions a cda.dll
    I looked at the technical report, and it went on and on about various other DLLs, grouped into modules. There is an awfull lot of information in there that I don't claim to understand.

    Spoon, if you'd like me to send the entire report to you, I will.



    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44825

      Re: Converting Crash

      If you install the Latest dMC R10 Gold release from 'Beta' then start CD input with no disc >> Options and disable the AccurateRip - if it still crashes select the Drive Offset and reset it to 0.


      • Unregistered

        Re: Converting Crash

        Originally posted by Spoon
        If you install the Latest dMC R10 Gold release from 'Beta' then start CD input with no disc >> Options and disable the AccurateRip - if it still crashes select the Drive Offset and reset it to 0.
        Spoon, I did exactly what you said, and it still crashes. I have the latest dmc Gold. Accurate Rip is disabled. I don't know what to do. Where is the function to set the drive offset?

        This is really starting to bug me. I've uninstalled and reinstalled this DMC (and all illustrate products) too many times to count. The thing that really bugs me is that somehow the DMC and DAP come back remembering exactly where they left off. The DAP even continues playing the same song right in the middle! Somehow your products are not uninstalling themselves fully. This is not okay. I should be able to completely get rid of something that I don't want on my system. I will send you a copy of the error report if you like. Please tell me if there is any way I can just fully erase this program. I know it will work again if I could just start from scratch. Is there some file I have to delete by hand? Do I have to change my registry? I didn't even want this accurate rip stuff, as all of my rips were fine before.



        • Unregistered

          Re: Converting Crash

          Another interestisng tidbit is that I have no problem ripping from files on my hard drive. They rip fast and have no errors. The crashing only occurs on the last song of a rip from CD. (also if I only rip one song)


          • Spoon
            • Apr 2002
            • 44825

            Re: Converting Crash

            >The crashing only occurs on the last song of a rip from CD. (also if I only rip one song)

            If you rip just track 5 of a 10 or so track CD, does it crash? or just crash if ripping the last track on the CD?

            To reset the Offset value, Audio CD Input >> Options >> it will Say 'Status Configured (read of.....)' select this line and Reset.


            • Unregistered

              Re: Converting Crash


              I reset the status of accurate rip although it didn't change anything. It still said accurate rip unconfigured waiting for key disk. But this shouldn't matter as the box is unchecked and it says Accurate rip disabled on the DMC audio cd Input.

              Still, this time I was able to convert single songs except for the last song on the CD. I don't know. I am frustrated that this is not working. Again I ask you, Is there anyway to truly erase this program and start from scratch? (I have proven to myself that no matter what I do to uninstall and erase, there must be a file (or files) stored somewhere on my computer with information relevant to this program.) Would you like me to send you the error log in an e-mail? I have your e-mail address.



              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44825

                Re: Converting Crash

                If you could send me an email saying who you are I would like to find the reason of this.


                • Unregistered

                  Re: Converting Crash

                  Thanx for the Help Spoon. Your suggestions via e-mail worked perfectly. In case any of you out there had your doubts, SPOON IS DA MAN!!!


