I recently purchased the AIFF version of Billie Holiday's "Songs For Distingue Lovers" from HD Tracks. I want to convert all the tracks to FLAC (I keep both versions on my NAS) using Music Converter for OS X. This usually works without fail. Today, however, I am getting the following error for all converted tracks:
Information converting to FLAC, '/Users/David/Desktop/AIFF/Billie Holiday/Songs For Distingue Lovers/01-Day In Day
Out.aif' to '/Users/David/Desktop/FLAC/Billie Holiday/Songs For Distingue Lovers/01-Day In Day Out.flac'
Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on end of file. [ScanFile]
Could the AIFF download be defective?
Information converting to FLAC, '/Users/David/Desktop/AIFF/Billie Holiday/Songs For Distingue Lovers/01-Day In Day
Out.aif' to '/Users/David/Desktop/FLAC/Billie Holiday/Songs For Distingue Lovers/01-Day In Day Out.flac'
Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on end of file. [ScanFile]
Could the AIFF download be defective?