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Error initializing FLAC encoder

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  • Darth Vader

    • Oct 2015
    • 6

    Error initializing FLAC encoder

    I have used Dbp successfully for many years but today it has failed with the message "Error initializing FLAC encoder".

    I am using version 14.4 under Windows 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1. I have uninstalled and reinstalled several times but still get the same error.

    Here is a debug of one of the tracks:-

    Splitting Command Line:Done
    ->-> [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
    <-<- [dBCoreConverter::ReaddBCommandFile]
    Allying to Processor 1
    ->-> [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
    Loading Encoder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Illustrate\dBpoweramp\encoder\FLAC.DLL'
    <-<- [cldBCodecHandler::LoadEncoder]
    BatchID [clEncoder::Set]
    ->-> [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
    <-<- [dBCoreConverter::StripCoreConverterCmds]
    SendRawUnCompressed [clEncoder::Get]
    Communicate [clEncoder::Get]
    ->-> [dBCoreConverter::OpenDecoder]
    Reading StdIn Tmp File IDTags: Read
    Using StdInput WFX:Format Tag: 1 Channels: 2 Bits per Sample: 16 Samples Per Second: 44100 Bytes Per Second: 176400 Block Align: 4 CB Size: 0
    <-<- [dBCoreConverter::OpenDecoder]
    SendOverReplayGainTags [clEncoder::Get]
    ->-> [clEncoder::BeginConversion]
    Converting to '\\Macmini-c6c103\passport\FLAC\Pierre Boulez\Masterworks of the 20th Century, Disc 1\01 Pierre Boulez - Le marteau sans maƮtre; I. Avant l'Artisanat furieux.flac.tmp.flac' encoder settings ' -compression-level-5'
    FLAC Compression Level: 5
    *** Error: Error initializing FLAC encoder. [clEncoder::BeginConversion]

    I am stumped but I guess that the uninstall process leaves things behind as after a clean install after a power down things like the path to save the FLAC files is still there. So maybe the uninstall doesn't clean up what is wrong. I have tried two separate accounts on this PC (a standard user and an Admin user) and both give the same resullt.


  • Darth Vader

    • Oct 2015
    • 6

    Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

    I have since found a work around but its a pain. I have to rip to WAV and then batch convert to FLAC. At least this gets me up and going again. Still wonder why the direct to FLAC stopped working after all these years.

    I don't have confidence upgrading to version 15 whilst I still have this problem.




    • Spoon
      • Apr 2002
      • 44862

      Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

      Try ripping to flac on your local hdd as a test.


      • andyweb

        • Oct 2015
        • 1

        Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

        I purchased this product back in 2008 and has been working great up till now. Had to replace a faulty hard drive and reinstall all programs. I received the same message when trying to install????


        • mville
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Dec 2008
          • 4026

          Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

          Originally posted by andyweb
          I purchased this product back in 2008 and has been working great up till now. Had to replace a faulty hard drive and reinstall all programs. I received the same message when trying to install????
          What message is that?


          • Darth Vader

            • Oct 2015
            • 6

            Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

            Originally posted by Spoon
            Try ripping to flac on your local hdd as a test.
            Yes it does rip to my local hard drive. I have scratched my head and as I'm a lazy peep I haven't ripped in a while so now have around 80 CDs to rip - those good value box sets! What has changed since my last rip session is that I upgraded from Snow Leopard to Yosemite on the Mac Mini music server. Prior to this I had no problem with ripping on my Windows laptop on the third floor of this house (my office) to an external FAT32 drive on the Mac music server on my HiFi rack on the ground floor.

            I think the error message may be misleading or maybe requires an argument that provides a reason why there was an "Error initializing FLAC encoder". The tracks rip successfully and the path including directories and path names are correctly created on the Mac Mini and even the jpeg image is there but no data.

            Its a strange one. However I can work around it by ripping to a local disk and then copying over to the Mac however its a lot more effort than a straight rip to the destination disc. The Mac is automatically backed up so no need for the additional copy step.

            If we knew what was causing this error it may just be a case of configuring something on the Mac to get back to 'normal'.




            • mville
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Dec 2008
              • 4026

              Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

              In CDRipper (on the windows laptop) are you ripping to a UNC path name or a mapped drive?


              • Darth Vader

                • Oct 2015
                • 6

                Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

                Originally posted by mville
                In CDRipper (on the windows laptop) are you ripping to a UNC path name or a mapped drive?
                Yes UNC or 'network path' as Microsoft would say.




                • mville
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Dec 2008
                  • 4026

                  Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

                  Originally posted by Darth Vader
                  Yes UNC or 'network path' as Microsoft would say.
                  You may need to re-create your stored credentials for the \\Macmini-c6c103\passport share in the Windows 7 Credential Manager.
                  Last edited by mville; November 01, 2015, 04:31 PM. Reason: removed formatting on \\Macmini-c6c103\passport text


                  • Darth Vader

                    • Oct 2015
                    • 6

                    Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

                    Originally posted by mville
                    You may need to re-create your stored credentials for the \\Macmini-c6c103\passport share in the Windows 7 Credential Manager.
                    I don't think so. I believe that its a Windows 7/Yosemite issue. See above the directory and file structure was correctly created but the CD ripper went belly up before the encoding started. It therefore has to be a network problem and if we knew what the ripper was attempting that caused the error we'd have a pointer.

                    One thing I have noticed that occurs with Yosemite but didn't with SL is that Windows can no longer copy multiple files across to the Mac. The copy process starts and the main and first subdirectory is created. The first file is copied across then the copy process aborts with the next couple of files without data. The files can be successfully copied manually one by one. However the reverse direction works fine. Windows can happily copy multiple directories and sub directories including all the associated files from the Mac to this Windows Laptop.

                    So its not a DbPoweramp problem although a better error message would be helpful.

                    My thinking is that if I can get the multiple copy from Windows to Yosemite working then that may cure the problem that I have. If I can find the time I'll set up another Mac with SL just to verify that its not something to do with the Windows automatic updates.




                    • Darth Vader

                      • Oct 2015
                      • 6

                      Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

                      Its a Yosemite issue. Fired up SL and the problem goes away so that eliminates Windows. With Yosemite you can rip to the internal drive over the network but the problem occurs when ripping to the USB3 drive. I have a hunch that if the multiple copy from Windows to the USB drive can be made to work then dbp will then be able to rip straight to the USB drive as it can with SL.

                      I won't hold my breath though as when I search the web the only info found is that which I have posted!




                      • mville
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Dec 2008
                        • 4026

                        Re: Error initializing FLAC encoder

                        Originally posted by Darth Vader
                        Its a Yosemite issue. Fired up SL and the problem goes away so that eliminates Windows. With Yosemite you can rip to the internal drive over the network but the problem occurs when ripping to the USB3 drive. I have a hunch that if the multiple copy from Windows to the USB drive can be made to work then dbp will then be able to rip straight to the USB drive as it can with SL.

                        I won't hold my breath though as when I search the web the only info found is that which I have posted!
                        A quick google confirms what you have discovered here and it seems there are network related bugs with Yosemite.

