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Scaled image color space

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  • moneymatt4life

    • Nov 2023
    • 5

    Scaled image color space

    When using the ID Processing DSP with artwork imported from Folder.jpg scaled to smaller size, it sometimes causes color issues being converted to sRGB from their original color space. Most of the artwork I have are in sRGB which are unaffected by this issue, but I have enough that are in the Adobe RGB or CMYK/SWOP color space to bother bringing it up. The aRGB conversion is a slight desaturation but similar enough, having the original vibrancy is preferred. The CMYK/SWOP conversion has the most difference in colors. Since I'm on macOS, the preview app handles the color spaces as expected and if I do a straight export to .png for dBp to import instead, the scaled image converts how it looks with preview from the getgo.
    not sure what the capabilities of the attachment upload are, but I uploaded an example of both profiles to google drive, as I wasn't sure if they'd get reprocessed uploaded straight to here. the -preview.jpg are exports from the macOS preview app with the sRGB profile assigned before saving. Hopefully the colors look noticeably different on your end as they do mine, otherwise I could see what else I can try on my part.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44888

    We do not process the image if already jpg, it is imported as is.


    • moneymatt4life

      • Nov 2023
      • 5

      If I leave both Maximum Pixel Size and Maximum File Size to (any) or larger than the initial sizes, then the Folder.jpg indeed passes through as is. However, using either limit does something internally for the artwork in the converted file to be sRGB IEC61966-2.1 instead of leaving it in its original color space or doesn't convert it properly. Unless there are some other advanced options regarding artwork someplace I'm not seeing?


      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44888

        we have the files will take a look when next working on dbp


        • Spoon
          • Apr 2002
          • 44888

          We have had a look at this, converting from CMYK is beyond the abilities of dBpoweramp, even some of the image editors we tried loaded the images in saturated. I would recommend converting to sRGB all images (imagemagik can do it) before using.


          • moneymatt4life

            • Nov 2023
            • 5

            I'll keep doing what I've been doing then, thank you for looking into it. Only brought it up since I sometimes mess around using XLD for mac here and there too, and it does convert CMYK/other color profiles properly, so wasn't sure if it was loading some macOS system files that dBpoweramp would be able to use as well.


            • Spoon
              • Apr 2002
              • 44888

              It is likely they use system conversion routines, yet our code has to work the same across macOS and Windows so cannot use anything specific to the mac

