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Lots of questions!!!!!

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  • Unregistered

    Lots of questions!!!!!

    Hi,I just installed dmC.I loved it!!!
    Because it's simple and works great!!!
    Now,on to my questions:
    1.What is the "rip as one" feature?

    2.Does "slow accurate ripping" even work?
    Yesterday I baught 5 new cd's.some of them I tried ripping(into wav)
    twice just to see how the program responds to different settings...
    when I checked the "slow accurate ripping" box the ripping was faster!!!
    What's the purpose?Should I use it anyway?

    3.I have a TEAC 52x writer.Ripping my brand new cd's into wavs took less than 3 min each.Is this normal?Does time differ when the surface disc is scratched and full
    of dust?

    4.How can I see what version of lame encoder the program uses?
    How can I install the latest or anothr one?

    5.While ripping,is it ok if I use other programs or surf the internet and download stuff,or even listen to some mp3's? how do they affect the quality of the ripping?

    and finally,where can I find a guide/tutorial for dmC?\

    Thanx in advance!!
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: Lots of questions!!!!!

    1. So you can rip tracks together, or a whole CD as one.
    2. It is best if that option is off, only for use if you can hear lots of clicks in the rip (from the CD drive).
    3. Sounds right, if a disc is damaged it can take longer.
    4. dMC Configuration will tell you
    5. If your computer is faster than 200 MHz then yes.

    Start >> Programs >> dBpowerAMP Music Converter >> Help

