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BWF 16-bit PCM STEREO,MONO converting problem.

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  • Unregistered

    BWF 16-bit PCM STEREO,MONO converting problem.

    I'm facing big problem with using dBpoverAMP Music Converter to convert such a big amount (125G) of soundfiles.

    Generally there are three types of files:
    1) .snd files (Should be Dalet5.1 BroadCast ) with "Musicam" writen in header no problems with converting unless the file has 0 lenght or just header.

    2) .snd files - uncomprimated STEREO (Dalet5.1 Broadcast 16-bit PCM STEREO Audio) with "RIFF”T WAVEbextZ" and "A=PCM,F=48000,W=16,M=STEREO" in header. There are problems with converting. The resuls is always small file, size couple of KB, uncorrectly playing.

    3) .snd files uncomprimated MONO (Dalet5.1 Broadcast 16-bit PCM mono Audio) with "RIFF”T WAVEbextZ" and and "A=PCM,F=48000,W=16,M=MONO" in header. There are problems with converting. I will got always an error message "The CODEC required to decompress 'xxx.snd' could not be opened. Doesn't matter if I set dBpoverAMP MC to mono or stereo...

    Could someone help me with that?
    I can't simply find a method which will allow me to convert everything automatically.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44825

    Re: BWF 16-bit PCM STEREO,MONO converting problem.

    One for Daren to answer...


    • daren
      dBpoweramp Enthusiast

      • Apr 2002
      • 153

      Re: BWF 16-bit PCM STEREO,MONO converting problem.


      The uncompressed BWF files "2)" & "3)" shouldn't have an ".snd" extension.

      You'll need to change the extension in the filename to ".wav" and then convert.

      Best regards,


      • Unregistered

        Re: BWF 16-bit PCM STEREO,MONO converting problem.

        Thanx for hint.

        Actually there were more problems with uncorectly named sound files.

        .SND files with (RIFF) were renamed to .WAV
        .WAV files with structure of .SND files (MUSICAM or WSXMPEG in header) were renamed to .SND

        Then everything is going smoothly...

