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songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

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  • stevenp168

    • Jan 2012
    • 8

    songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

    Dear sir,
    I'm a new hand, bought the music converter. I like to know, the songs that i downlad from itune, if I use converter to upsampling to 24-44.1 or 24-48, AIFF format, the quality will same as the CD version? If yes, what should I setup on the converter for upsampling.

    My player is AK Junior
    Head Phone is T5p
    Last edited by stevenp168; September 09, 2015, 04:01 PM.
  • garym
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Nov 2007
    • 5936

    Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

    Originally posted by stevenp168
    Dear sir,
    I'm a new hand, bought the music converter. I like to know, the songs that i downlad from itune, if I use converter to upsampling to 24-44.1 or 24-48, AIFF format, the quality will same as the CD version? If yes, what should I setup on the converter for upsampling.

    My player is AK Junior
    Head Phone is T5p
    No. upconverting a lossy file (AAC/m4a purchased from itunes) will not magically convert the file back to lossless. It will only make the file size larger without doing anything else. You can't restore what was never there. The only way to get CD lossless quality is to purchase 16/44.1 downloads or rip from the CD. Upconverting lossy files does nothing but waste space.


    • stevenp168

      • Jan 2012
      • 8

      Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

      thank you so much for your teaching, can u recommand any website for me, instead of hdtrack, cause they don't have Christina Aguilera, Ciara, Destiny's child, Jessie J, Kelly Rowland, Mariah Carey.......


      • garym
        dBpoweramp Guru

        • Nov 2007
        • 5936

        Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

        Originally posted by stevenp168
        thank you so much for your teaching, can u recommand any website for me, instead of hdtrack, cause they don't have Christina Aguilera, Ciara, Destiny's child, Jessie J, Kelly Rowland, Mariah Carey.......
        I don't know sources of CD quality downloads of these artists. Why not buy the CDs then rip them yourself? All this said, I should note that with most music, the lossy versions one can purchase from itunes store is transparent as compared back to CD lossless version. That is, the likelihood of one being able to detect a difference between a lossless file and a 256kbs lossy file (i.e., itunes file) is probably near zero. I've done double blind ABX tests myself on comparing lossy and lossess files and at about 160kbps (certainly by 192kbps) I can't reliably detect any differences. This statement is even more true when listening to modern pop music (such as the examples you mention).

        Bottom line: there is nothing wrong with buying itunes downloads for your music.


        • Dat Ei
          dBpoweramp Guru

          • Feb 2014
          • 1811

          Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

          Hey stevep168,

          Originally posted by stevenp168
          thank you so much for your teaching, can u recommand any website for me, instead of hdtrack, cause they don't have Christina Aguilera, Ciara, Destiny's child, Jessie J, Kelly Rowland, Mariah Carey.......
          I'm a user of qobuz, a commercial streaming service streaming in CD quality and even higher. Qobuz has an online shop too, where you can buy music in lossy, CD or HiRes quality. I don't know, if qobuz is available at your place.

          If your looking for HiRes music, this site might help you to find the right shop:

          Dat Ei


          • stevenp168

            • Jan 2012
            • 8

            Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

            Originally posted by Dat Ei
            Hey stevep168,

            I'm a user of qobuz, a commercial streaming service streaming in CD quality and even higher. Qobuz has an online shop too, where you can buy music in lossy, CD or HiRes quality. I don't know, if qobuz is available at your place.

            If your looking for HiRes music, this site might help you to find the right shop:

            Dat Ei
            qobuz is not available in my place (Hong Kong) I will try tomorrow. Thank you very your help.


            • stevenp168

              • Jan 2012
              • 8

              Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

              I tried gobuz, not available in Hong Kong.
              I will try tomorrow.

              Thank you very much



              • Dat Ei
                dBpoweramp Guru

                • Feb 2014
                • 1811

                Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

                Hey Steven,

                what about Tidal?

                Dat Ei


                • davidhall

                  • Aug 2015
                  • 9

                  Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

                  I buy a lot of music, mostly on CD when I can. When it comes to lossy vs lossless, I have bought lossless CDs that have been mastered so poorly that they sound horrible, yet the lossy versions of the same albums on iTunes sometimes sound good. It just comes down to how they have been mastered. At the end of the day you just have to trust your ears.

                  I'm not convinced that using 24bit resolution offers any advantage in the storage of audio for consumption once it has been mastered. Most pop music barely uses any of the huge amount of dynamic range available at 16bit. As long as the audio is correctly dithered there will be no audible distortions introduced by the lower bit depth.


                  • Dat Ei
                    dBpoweramp Guru

                    • Feb 2014
                    • 1811

                    Re: songs from itune convert to 24-44.1

                    Hey David,

                    Originally posted by davidhall
                    I'm not convinced that using 24bit resolution offers any advantage in the storage of audio for consumption once it has been mastered. Most pop music barely uses any of the huge amount of dynamic range available at 16bit. As long as the audio is correctly dithered there will be no audible distortions introduced by the lower bit depth.
                    I agree to a certain degree. HiRes comes along not only with a higher bit depth, but with higher sample rates too. For a hugh amount of audio equipment (can't understand people listening music via the speaker of their mobil phones) and for a hugh amount of pop music Hires offers no benefit. But with the right equipment, the right music and good recordings you can optimize the chain of music consumption. I listen a lot of jazz, especially produced and recorded by companies like ECM.

                    Dat Ei

