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Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

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  • Alastair

    • Sep 2010
    • 11

    Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

    I recently upgraded my dBpoweramp to the current code version. A while later I noticed in Twonky that all recently ripped CDs were going in as flat files and not in the previous artist folder hierarchy then additional sub folders of the artists album. I also noted that any previously ripped album did not generate a warning if I was about to accidently rip it again.

    I tried to attach a screenshot but it kept causing this post to crash.

    Any suggestions to restore the "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"?
  • mville
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Dec 2008
    • 4023

    Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

    Originally posted by Alastair
    I recently upgraded my dBpoweramp to the current code version. A while later I noticed in Twonky that all recently ripped CDs were going in as flat files and not in the previous artist folder hierarchy then additional sub folders of the artists album. I also noted that any previously ripped album did not generate a warning if I was about to accidently rip it again.

    I tried to attach a screenshot but it kept causing this post to crash.

    Any suggestions to restore the "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"?
    What is the "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder", you describe. Are you talking about the Naming string in CDRipper?


    • BrodyBoy
      dBpoweramp Guru

      • Sep 2011
      • 779

      Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

      Originally posted by Alastair
      I recently upgraded my dBpoweramp to the current code version. A while later I noticed in Twonky that all recently ripped CDs were going in as flat files and not in the previous artist folder hierarchy then additional sub folders of the artists album. I also noted that any previously ripped album did not generate a warning if I was about to accidently rip it again.

      I tried to attach a screenshot but it kept causing this post to crash.

      Any suggestions to restore the "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"?
      I suspect your first question answers the second: If you are ripping to a different location, dBp doesn't know that you already ripped the CD. So of course there's no warning.

      As to the location issue, it sounds like a problem with your dynamic naming string. I've never heard the expression "flat files," but based on context, I'm guessing you mean that your ripped files are not being organized into folders, but are rather just all being dumped into a single location/folder. Is that correct? If so:
      • Set your Path to the general location of your music library, i.e., the location common to all files. (Examples: C:\Music or D:\iTunes\Media, etc.) There are no dynamic elements in the Path parameter.
      • Next, you need to create the desired folder structure in the Dynamic Naming parameter. If you were using the default naming string before...which does, I believe, use the ARTIST\ALBUM\TRACK can reset to default. Otherwise, enter the new naming string manually. Ideally, you remember or wrote down any customizations you might have made before so that you can just use the exact same string you had before.

      Once your path & naming string are the same as before, dBp will find existing files for any previously-ripped CDs and ask you about overwriting them


      • Alastair

        • Sep 2010
        • 11

        Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

        Originally posted by mville
        What is the "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder", you describe. Are you talking about the Naming string in CDRipper?
        Thank you for responding.

        Yes. I recall that was the setting that allowed my CDs to be ripped to a folder hierarchy structure.


        • Alastair

          • Sep 2010
          • 11

          Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

          "BrodyBoy" thank you for your response, questions and feedback.
          I apologize for the term 'flat file' I emigrated to the USA a long time ago and it is more commonly used there. You are correct in your accurate contextual guess.
          I followed your suggestion but still the CDs I rip go across as individual files out with the pre-existing folder hierarchy. I confess I did not write down my previous manual setting. Does that mean I am condemned to folderless purgatory unless I re-rip all my CDs?
          I have a Linn Akurate DS and QNAP server.
          My current settings are:
          Path:\\NAS\Multimedia\Linn Music\
          Naming:[artist][album][album artist][title]etc etc

          Thank you in advance.


          • garym
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Nov 2007
            • 5936

            Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

            Originally posted by Alastair
            "BrodyBoy" thank you for your response, questions and feedback.
            I apologize for the term 'flat file' I emigrated to the USA a long time ago and it is more commonly used there. You are correct in your accurate contextual guess.
            I followed your suggestion but still the CDs I rip go across as individual files out with the pre-existing folder hierarchy. I confess I did not write down my previous manual setting. Does that mean I am condemned to folderless purgatory unless I re-rip all my CDs?
            I have a Linn Akurate DS and QNAP server.
            My current settings are:
            Path:\\NAS\Multimedia\Linn Music\
            Naming:[artist][album][album artist][title]etc etc

            Thank you in advance.
            Clarify your naming string. You mention "[artist][album][album artist][title]etc etc" Wouldn't you want something more like:

            [IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track]-[title][]

            This would create a subdirectory for the artist, then under this the album, then under this the tracks (separated into separate disk folders for multi CD albums)

            x:\music\The Beatles\
            .............................\Abbey Road\01- Come Together.flac, etc.
            .............................\Revolver\01 - Taxman.flac, etc.
            .............................\The Beatles (White Album)\Disk 1\01 - Back in the U.S.S.R.flac, etc.
            .............................\The Beatles (White Album)\Disk 2\01 - Birthday.flac, etc.

            Personally I use the following as it does the above, but automatically puts compilation albums (soundtracks, etc.) into a parent "Compilations" parent directory.

            [IFCOMP]Compilations\[album] [IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track]-[title]-[artist][][IF!COMP][IFVALUE]album artist,[album artist],[artist][]\[album][IFMULTI] \Disc [disc][]\[track]-[title][]

            In lower left side of ripper screen you can click on "set" in the "naming" row, and copy and paste any of these in the correct place. And you can see examples there of how things will look. This is all adjustable however you want. Once you get it setup, it will make more sense. There is a bit of a learning curve.


            • BrodyBoy
              dBpoweramp Guru

              • Sep 2011
              • 779

              Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

              Originally posted by Alastair
              "BrodyBoy" thank you for your response, questions and feedback.
              I apologize for the term 'flat file' I emigrated to the USA a long time ago and it is more commonly used there. You are correct in your accurate contextual guess.
              I followed your suggestion but still the CDs I rip go across as individual files out with the pre-existing folder hierarchy. I confess I did not write down my previous manual setting. Does that mean I am condemned to folderless purgatory unless I re-rip all my CDs?
              I have a Linn Akurate DS and QNAP server.
              My current settings are:
              Path:\\NAS\Multimedia\Linn Music\
              Naming:[artist][album][album artist][title]etc etc

              Thank you in advance.
              Hi worries on the language thing. Your English is obviously excellent and you made yourself clear enough.

              Read through garym's suggestions about dynamic naming. But note especially the difference between what he describes and what you wrote above, as that is the heart of the problem here. In your naming string, there are no backslashes to denote folder levels, as there are in Gary's examples. So your string results in the flat file problem. To generate a folder structure, you would need to change your naming string from:
              [artist][album][album artist][title]etc etc
              [artist]\[album]\[album artist][title]etc etc

              Each backslash creates a new folder sub-level. I would further want to include the track number and some punctuation in the file name itself (i.e., [album artist] [track] - [title]....), but that's a personal preference and you can structure the filename however you like it. The key point....the solution to your folder structure that you need to insert a backslash everywhere you want to indicate a new sub-folder level.
              Last edited by BrodyBoy; August 29, 2015, 11:13 PM.


              • Alastair

                • Sep 2010
                • 11

                Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

                BrodyBoy and Garym

                THANK YOU!!!!!

                Your feedback and advice was spot on! I have re-recorded some CDs and bingo we are back to a folder hierarchy.
                Gary I just copied and pasted your naming string sequence. You clearly have put a great deal of thought into the sequence. I have number of compilations and box sets which will benefit from your sequence.
                I now have a massive amount of re-recording to do but I will be much happier having the folder hierarchy restored. I live in FL and we are entering the monsoon/hurricane season so perfect weather for ripping CDs!
                THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH.

                Kindest regards,



                • garym
                  dBpoweramp Guru

                  • Nov 2007
                  • 5936

                  Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

                  Originally posted by Alastair
                  BrodyBoy and Garym

                  THANK YOU!!!!!

                  Your feedback and advice was spot on! I have re-recorded some CDs and bingo we are back to a folder hierarchy.
                  Gary I just copied and pasted your naming string sequence. You clearly have put a great deal of thought into the sequence. I have number of compilations and box sets which will benefit from your sequence.
                  I now have a massive amount of re-recording to do but I will be much happier having the folder hierarchy restored. I live in FL and we are entering the monsoon/hurricane season so perfect weather for ripping CDs!
                  THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH.

                  Kindest regards,

                  You're very welcome. You'll find this is a helpful forum. Yes, the naming string I use automatically deals with compilations, multidisk CDs, and situations with and without ALBUM ARTIST tag. I find it covers all my situations. Then again, I have very little classical. If you do much in terms of classical music (and have a scheme that uses composer or orchestra, etc.), you'll likely want to create a separate "ripper profile" and have a different naming string for those.


                  • Alastair

                    • Sep 2010
                    • 11

                    Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

                    GaryM and BrodyBoy,
                    It certainly is a wonderful Forum. I have had a frustrating number of years with sub optimal support from a local ex Linn dealer. I will put in a wee plug for George Clegg of Loud and Clear in Glasgow for his "virtual" support and pointing me to this Forum.
                    As a native Glaswegian I was tickled pink my English is "obviously excellent!"
                    Again thank you so much for your very professional and supportive feedback. I wonder how many people are hesitant to post an issue for fear of ridicule in their lack of knowledge,
                    If you are rugby fans Good Luck in the RWC it is turning out to be a very open competition apart from the ABs who are so superb!
                    Thank you again.
                    Best wishes


                    • garym
                      dBpoweramp Guru

                      • Nov 2007
                      • 5936

                      Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

                      Originally posted by Alastair
                      As a native Glaswegian I was tickled pink my English is "obviously excellent!"
                      I haven't been to Scotland in a number of years (but hope to return soon!). My first trip to UK/Europe was in 1983. As with most US folks, I'm an english only person (embarrassingly). But after my initial trip, on my return after 3 months traveling around, I told folks back home that I had no trouble making myself understood anywhere in Europe/UK and eventually understanding most people I interacted with, even when their native language was Italian, German, etc. I pointed out that the only exception to this was Scotland. Where no one could understand me and I couldn't understand them either (even though we were all speaking "english". I am a native Texan and that Texan twang proved to be a problem I'm sure. But all was well in any case and we loved Scotland! My ancestors came to America from Scotland by the way....
                      Last edited by garym; August 30, 2015, 09:34 PM.


                      • BrodyBoy
                        dBpoweramp Guru

                        • Sep 2011
                        • 779

                        Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

                        Originally posted by Alastair
                        Again thank you so much for your very professional and supportive feedback. I wonder how many people are hesitant to post an issue for fear of ridicule in their lack of knowledge,
                        If you are rugby fans Good Luck in the RWC it is turning out to be a very open competition apart from the ABs who are so superb!
                        Thank you again.
                        Best wishes
                        Very kind words, Alastair, and as garym says, you're very welcome. I certainly hope there aren't people who feel ridiculed in this forum, but I do know exactly what you mean. I've participated in a variety of user forums over the years and it's a sadly-common phenomenon...those long-time members who seem to enjoy belittling or shaming beginners, and generally making new members feel unwelcome. I don't understand why they even bother to reply if they're not interested in trying to help. :(

                        Anyway, one further comment on your project: It's absolutely NOT necessary to re-rip files that weren't organized properly the first time! You can use Music Converter (or Batch Converter) and employ the "Arrange Audio" DSP to re-arrange and re-name existing files. So you could simply run it on those "flat files" using your new naming string and voila!...they'll get put into proper folders and renamed according to your new scheme. It's a very handy feature and it's very fast, since there's no ripping or audio conversion being performed.

                        (Having said that, I'm amazed hurricane season would be good ripping weather! I live in the opposite corner, the Pacific Northwest, where even minor windstorms can bring hundreds of fallen trees and annoying power outtages. Just had one yesterday, in fact.....not so minor this time. Whenever there's of hint of such things in the offing, I usually put all computers and electronics into preventative shutdown. Very anoying and inconvenient.)


                        • Alastair

                          • Sep 2010
                          • 11

                          Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

                          I have just retired from working in a large health system in Memphis TN. We had executives visit from a large German and Norwegian health system and they said the exact same about understanding me after being in TN for a week!
                          I lived in Dallas TX for a couple of years and must say the Texan twang was very clear and they understood me.
                          I do hope you get back to Scotland soon. It has been going through a very positive period of re-generation.
                          Thank you again.


                          • Alastair

                            • Sep 2010
                            • 11

                            Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"


                            Your comment re the batch ripper has saved me days of re ripping original CDs. THANK YOU AGAIN. I never fully understood what the Batch Converter did. That tip was awesome.
                            Be safe I heard about your storms from my in laws in the NW.
                            I am glad you and Garym mentioned you were both based in the US. You must be wondering what I meant about the RWC - Rugby World Cup. USA and Scotland are in the same pool and that should be an interesting match.

                            Thank you again.

                            Kindest regards


                            • garym
                              dBpoweramp Guru

                              • Nov 2007
                              • 5936

                              Re: Loss of option in "naming field" to select "Save in Dynamic Artist Folder"

                              Originally posted by Alastair
                              I have just retired from working in a large health system in Memphis TN. We had executives visit from a large German and Norwegian health system and they said the exact same about understanding me after being in TN for a week!
                              I lived in Dallas TX for a couple of years and must say the Texan twang was very clear and they understood me.
                              I do hope you get back to Scotland soon. It has been going through a very positive period of re-generation.
                              Thank you again.
                              Yes, I have had lots of recommendations about getting back to Scotland. And I have a colleague who is crazy about Rugby (even though a US guy), so believe me, I hear all about it. Regards, Gary

