I just bought dBpoweramp to convert my library of lossless WMAs to FLAC. Conversion in the tool works great, however I noticed a tag is being dropped in the conversion. Specifically the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER tag. I am using Mp3Tag to see it in my lossless WMA but its not in the FLAC. I'd like to preserve this field if possible because if I choose to import my music into a music service, it helps them match my content to their library/catalog. Is there anything I can do to preserve this field?
I just bought dBpoweramp to convert my library of lossless WMAs to FLAC. Conversion in the tool works great, however I noticed a tag is being dropped in the conversion. Specifically the UNIQUEIDENTIFIER tag. I am using Mp3Tag to see it in my lossless WMA but its not in the FLAC. I'd like to preserve this field if possible because if I choose to import my music into a music service, it helps them match my content to their library/catalog. Is there anything I can do to preserve this field?