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change single file audio to individual tracks

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  • miker

    • Oct 2003
    • 1

    change single file audio to individual tracks

    anybody know how to change large single file audio to individual tracks
  • Wayne
    dBpoweramp Guru

    • Aug 2002
    • 1254

    Re: change single file audio to individual tracks

    You could try using the Auxiliary Input dMC add-on to separate it into the individual tracks as if it was recording from a tape or LP. To do this you will need to be able to "record what you hear" so that as you listen to the file you record and split it.

    Alternatively you could try a program like LP Ripper. Despite its name it can be used to split any WAV file into separate files.


    • CaveMan

      • May 2002
      • 5

      Re: change single file audio to individual tracks

      If what you have was downloaded from a file sharing network (I recommend Shareaza), you probably have and AlbumWrap archive (usualy designated by ALBW).

      For the extractor check

      Hope this was helpful

