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AIFF to FLAC message: Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on

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  • Craig1512

    • May 2015
    • 1

    AIFF to FLAC message: Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on

    I am getting the following message after converting AIFF to FLAC (lossless Uncompressed): Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data on end of file. [ScanFile].

    The problem arose when I copied my AIFF music library to my new Aurenda N100 player/streamer and ended up with most of my Albums having around half the tracks showing up as "Unknown Artists" Aurenda support advised it was a problem with my music files metadata and suggested using MusicBrainz to correct missing metadata. MusicBraniz wont load AIFF, so I used my Reference dBpoweramp R15 (Apple) (purchased 19 April 2015) to convert to FLAC and found this fixed the metadata issue without having to run through MusicBrainz. My FLAC music files now show up on the Aurender correctly (no Unknown Artists) However, when converting to FLAC I got the before mentioned warning message for some tracks which happened to be the same tracks showing as Unknown Artist.

    My CD's were ripped during 2013 using dBpoweramp Reference R14.3 (single PC) (purchased 4 November 2012) on a windows machine and were fine with no warning or error messages when ripped. Prior to my recent purchase of the Aurenda I was using a Mac Mini as a dedicated music player with Amarra software linked with iTunes, I didn't have the Unknown Artist issue with that setup using the same AIFF files.
    I am concerned that there was a problem with dBpoweramp R14.3 when I ripped my CDs and that problem is only now showing up. I am not hearing any problems with playback of the converted FLAC music files, but I would like some explanation just exactly what this warning message means and if my music files are corrupted in anyway. Bit annoying to have to convert my entire music library (doing this album by album because I was having problems with batch converter, another long story!)

    I am no longer using the windows computer or the dBpoweramp R14.3 I purchased in November 2012. Also I do not have my CDs anymore so am not able to re-rip my CDs (reason is my family home was destroyed in the Blue Mountains Bushfires in October 2013 and I lost everything, left with clothes I was wearing that awful day) Fortunately, I had a copy of my music library in my Office (not a backup, it was a copy).

    I am now using an iMac (new model purchased in January 2014) and was very pleased to see the release of dBpoweramp for IOS which I downloaded and purchased immediately. Recently purchased CDs are ripping fine on the iMac using USB Apple CD/DVD drive and dBpoweramp R15 - single (Apple). I now rip new CDs to FLAC (I prefer FLAC anyway and only previously ripped to AIFF to use on iTunes/Amarra which didn't support FLAC). I did do a test, ripping to AIFF and uploading to the Aurenda and found the album artist showing correctly. Just to prove the point the issue is only occurring with CDs ripped using R14.3.

    Thanks for any advice or information the forum community can provide to this "warning" message as I am very concerned and worried about this, particularly given that I am unable to re-rip my CDs.

    Blue Mountains NSW
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44700

    Re: AIFF to FLAC message: Warning 'RiffSizeLeft != FileSizeLeft' must be extra data o

    The warning is that the AIFF container has something on the end, the actual audio inside the container is not affected.

    You can ignore this warning.

