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Issues with FLAC metadate

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  • N.L

    • Mar 2015
    • 4

    Issues with FLAC metadate


    New to dbpoweramp, forgive any ignorance.

    I just ripped a bunch of CD's and think I did well with this. Files were organized as I wanted them to be, made multiple encodes, all is good. I then took some FLAC files and copies them to a USB stick to play on my home stereo which does play FLAC files. Problems begin here;

    No metadata transfered over, how come?

    I used a Windows 7 computer to rip, and on that computer, saved to the desktop, all metadata shows fine. I also ripped to ALAC and AIF, both play fine on iTunes and when I copied a couple of those files over to check their metadata on a Mac, all was good. I also tried opening the FLAC files on a Mac with VOX media player, they play, but my Control 4 system at home will not. C4 can not even read the files, VOX seems to be able to play the, right click and look at the properties? Only possible at the original file location. So, why does FLAC have problems?

    Some help would be appreciated.
    Last edited by N.L; March 19, 2015, 10:38 PM.
  • Spoon
    • Apr 2002
    • 44824

    Re: Issues with FLAC metadata

    It is likely your home stereo cannot read metadata from flac files.


    • N.L

      • Mar 2015
      • 4

      Re: Issues with FLAC metadata

      Why then when I right click and hit "get info" I can not see any of the metadata on a FLAC, but can on the ALAC on a Mac, yet I can play both somehow on a Mac, (using VOX media player), and on the PC, I can right click and se the metadata on both file types as well.

      Things are not lining up equally, and FLAC being free, I can not quite understand how the issue would be with the player, when one media player that resides on a computer that can not read the file can play that file, yet control 4 which can not read the file at all can not play the file either.

      Something doesn't make sense. Could it be that the metadata did not imbed and is being somehow cached on the PC and appearing in that manner on the PC only?



      • Spoon
        • Apr 2002
        • 44824

        Re: Issues with FLAC metadata

        When you have dBpoweramp installed it extends windows so it can read metadata from the FLAC file.

        No such thing exists on the Mac, so it is not possible for the mac to show metadata in finder for FLAC.

        Install foobar2000 on the PC, if it can read metadata from the flac file, then 100% there is correct metadata in the flac file. dBpoweramp has been writing metadata to FLAC for the last 15 years, there is zero issues with compatibility.


        • N.L

          • Mar 2015
          • 4

          Re: Issues with FLAC metadata


          Thank you for the reply and info, I will instal foobar 2000.

          Could you pls explain one thing? If the metadata is embedded fine, then why would it not show up on other computers? Should it not just appear as part of the properties whenever any computer asks for it to be viewed? I have copied these files to a USB stick, Dropbox and onto a MAC, no metadata appears from any of these drives when MAC is calling them up or when Control 4 is doing the same.

          Exactly what so the point of ripping into a "free" format when only that originating programs seems to be able to view the embedded metadata and other programs that play this type of file? It make no logical sense...

          Thank you in advance.


          • Dat Ei
            dBpoweramp Guru

            • Feb 2014
            • 1810

            Re: Issues with FLAC metadata

            Hey N.L,

            the problem is, that the Mac and Control 4 is not capable to read and interpret the standard of ID tagging in flac files.

            Dat Ei


            • N.L

              • Mar 2015
              • 4

              Re: Issues with FLAC metadata

              Hello again,

              I posed this question and forwarded this thread to my audio guy who, who is quite proficient with audio, and a registered dealer for Control 4, a publicly traded company that fully supports FLAC. His reply,

              "I read the reply, but the issue is something with the file conversion or file format I believe. Control4 fully supports FLAC files,I just copied a CD to my server in FLAC format, and it show and plays fine on my system. It shows all meta data, and sounds amazing. Only problem is my FLACs were all ripped years ago on another PC and I don't even remember what program I used."

              So why do his FLAC files, from an older computer and program work, on the same system I am trying to play them on, but my FLAC files do not? I would be please to let someone form dbpoweramp remote login to my computer and look. I am not tech here, but I am a close to certain I can be that something is not right here. If I had another FLAC compatible device to test, I would, but I don't.

              Foobar2000 works fine. So does VOX on MAC, but finder on MAC can not read the metadata. Control 4 can not read or play these FLAC files.

              Help is appreciated.


              • Spoon
                • Apr 2002
                • 44824

                Re: Issues with FLAC metadata

                Ask your dealer to send you one flac file, so you can test on your system. If it works we will ask for you to send one of your FLAC files + the dealer flac file for inspection.

